Passbild EBI_VBT

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Horst Büchner

  • Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT)

    Teilinstitut Verbrennungstechnik am Engler-Bunte-Institut

    Engler-Bunte-Ring 7

    76131 Karlsruhe

Research focuses

Self-excited flow and combustion instabilities, turbulent premix and diffusion combustion, low-pollutant combustion, pollutant formation, mathematical modeling and calculation of combustion systems, burner design, flame modeling

Low-frequency oscillating premix flame with characteristic ring vortices


Main research area

For almost 20 years, the main research area of ​​the research group "Flow and Combustion Instabilities" at the Chair of Combustion Technology has been the investigation and identification of the physical mechanisms that lead to the self-excited development of combustion instabilities ("Thermoacoustics, combustion oscillations, combustion chamber oscillations, pulsating combustion / flames, combustion oscillation" ) in large-scale combustion systems. These periodic disturbances, characterized by high-energy pressure oscillations, lead to strong mechanical and thermal loads on components up to their failure and flashback and are therefore not tolerable for continuous operation of the combustion system. Depending on the underlying feedback mechanism, which of course determines the effectiveness of remedial measures to a considerable extent, both low-frequency vibrations (“rumble, humming”) and high-frequency (“whistling, screaming”) occur, whereby - in addition to the vibration of the static pressure in the combustion chamber as well as in upstream and downstream parts of the system (burner housing, mixing device, exhaust gas routing) - there are also strong fluctuations in the flame geometry and the integral heat release from the combustion process.

The causes for these combustion oscillations, which mostly represent a system instability in which various components of a combustion system (fuel / air mixer, burner, flame, combustion chamber, etc.) interact with one another depending on the time or frequency, which ultimately lead to a considerable , unacceptable amplification causing weak disturbances can be extremely diverse. Periodic fluctuations in the ignition zone (s) ("ignition disturbances"), combustion- or flow-induced changes in the swirl intensities over time ("swirl number, swirl strength, swirl stabilized"), periodic formation of reactive vortex structures ("ring vortex formation, vortex shedding") and their in-phase reaction Excite vibratory overall system in order to then with phase-correct feedback with sufficient energy supply to stable, automatically obtained permanent vibrations at an energetically high level (atmospheric combustion systems often up to 20 mbar pressure amplitudes, pressure-charged combustion systems up to 1 bar at frequencies between a few Hz up to 5 KHz.

The mathematical description of the overall system for calculating its vibration stability requires knowledge of the frequency-dependent transfer behavior ("flame transfer function, amplitude ratio, phase response") of all system components involved in the physical feedback circuit (mixer - burner - flame - combustion chamber), depending on all relevant operating parameters of the furnace ( thermal power, air ratio, type of fuel, swirl strength, mean combustion pressure, etc.), which can be determined using control methods. From these statements, it is then possible to predict the stability behavior of the overall system depending on the geometry and the desired operating ranges, as well as to show effective and inexpensive remedial measures, which must be adapted to the feedback mechanism that is effective in the individual case of vibration. The following graphic is a link to a more detailed explanation of the knowledge we have gained.

further research area 

•   Investigation of the generation of combustion noise in flames and development of measures to reduce it ("sound pressure measurements")

•    Pressure combustion of liquid, pre-evaporated and gaseous fuels in turbulent premixing and diffusion flames

•    Calculation and design of resonators as dampers ("damping factor, resonance frequency")


Equipment/test facilities

The following test stands are available to carry out the necessary experimental investigations:

•    Large burner test bench up to 2.5 MWth

•    Combustion system with air preheating up to 400 ° C for liquid and gaseous fuels up to 300 kWth for diffusion flames and / or premixing

•    Test facilities for investigations on small burner systems from 6 kWth to 80 kWth

•    Plexiglass chambers for isothermal flow studies

•    Pre-evaporator units for LPP operation

•    Pulsation units for mass flow modulation that is highly variable and independently adjustable in frequency and amplitude

•    In-house developed double-concentric, piloted swirl burner with optionally infinitely variable swirl through tangential swirl generator or Axial vane swirl generator with gas turbine-like geometry and infinitely variable outlet configuration (power class 50-500 kWth)

Further in-house development: premix swirl burner, variable: swirl, outlet geometry, air ratio, power, flame type, fuel​​​​​


Measurement techniques

In addition to the standard measurement techniques for stationary measured variables in the field of combustion technology / high-temperature process engineering, the following should be emphasized in particular:

•   Characterization of isothermal flow instabilities
Constant temperature hot wire anemometry (CTA) and phase-correlated video recordings of the flow field made visible with the help of a tracer medium and a laser light section system

•   Detection of rapid changes in the mixture in isothermal, non-reacting flows
In-house development of a high-resolution concentration measurement technology in terms of time and space

•    Temporally high-resolution temperature measurement technology

-          Fast, electronically inertia-compensated thermocouple measurement technology

-          2-dimensional field distribution of the temperature via Rayleigh scattering

•   Reaction conversion behavior of periodically unsteady turbulent swirl and jet flames

-     Triggered recordings of the "frozen" overall flame, the flame contour at different points in time within the period of the oscillation by means of a CCD video camera

-     Determination of the radiation intensity of excited OH * radicals by photomultiplier

-     Planar, laser-induced predissociation fluorescence (2-D PLIPF) of the OH molecules

•   Fluctuations in the static pressure of the gas column in the combustion chamber
Cooled condenser microphones with high amplitude resolutions and linear frequency response

•   Evaluation of time or frequency dependent signals
2-channel frequency analyzers using correlation methods

Industrial cooperation partner 

In the course of the past two decades, undesirable, self-excited pressure / flame oscillations, which have occurred in large industrial plants described below, have been successfully, quickly and inexpensively eliminated within numerous collaborations with industrial companies.

•    Electricity generating industry (GuD- power plants)

•    Thermal power stations

•    Paper industry

•    Manufacturer of industrial and household burners

•    Reactors from the chemical industry


Lectures and other courses

"Flow and combustion instabilities in technical combustion systems"

In addition to compliance with the pollutant emission limit values ​​prescribed by the legislator, the reliable guarantee of a stable combustion process over the entire control range is one of the greatest problems in the development and optimization of new combustion systems. Combustion chambers that can be coupled during the design phase cause periodic combustion instabilities to be eliminated through empirical measures during commissioning, which are time-consuming and costly modifications to the original design.

•   Classification and description of combustion instabilities
Phenomenology, definition of the concept of stability, classification of periodic unsteady combustion processes, influencing variables on the tendency to vibrate

•    Metrological recording of dynamic flame properties Hot wire anemometry (flow measurement technology), thermal conductivity probe (concentration measurement technology), inertia-compensated thermocouples (temperature measurement technology), water-cooled condenser microphones (pressure measurement technology), ionization probes (measurement technology for flame front detection), photomultiplier (measurement technology for determining the unsteady reaction behavior using OH radical radiation (Chemiluminescence)

•    Properties of turbulent premix flames

•   Significance of premixed combustion systems, ignition stability and tendency to oscillation, properties of stationary, turbulent premixed flames, properties of periodically unsteady, turbulent jets and flames (frequency-dependent transmission behavior of premixed, turbulent jet and swirl flames), formation and reaction of turbulent ring vortex structures

•    Influence of pressure / flame oscillations on the pollutant emission behavior of the furnace

•    Effects of pressure fluctuations on the formation of the fuel gas / air mixture (burnout behavior, thermal NOx)

•    Determination of the pressure transfer behavior of a model combustion chamber

•    Mathematical description of the resonance behavior of a combustion chamber (Helmholtz resonator model), experimental determination of characteristic combustion chamber properties, temperature and geometry dependency of the vibration damping

•    Stability analysis of a simplified premix combustion system

•   Examples of self-excited pressure oscillations, stability criteria (e.g. Rayleigh criterion), coupling of the frequency-dependent transmission behavior of burner, flame and combustion chamber, design options for avoiding / suppressing self-excited pressure / flame oscillations (active control and our own processes)


„Energy Technology“ 

•    General aspects of energy technology:
Importance of energy conversion processes
Energy supply and energy supplies
Electricity industry in Germany
Questions of energy technology

•    Thermodynamic basics for the description of energy conversion processes and energy technology issues:
System term and thermal state variables
Work, internal energy and warmth - 1st law
Changes in the state of an ideal gas in open and closed systems, cycle processes
Irreversible processes and their assessment
Evaluation of energy conversion processes

•    Selected energy conversion processes of thermal power machines and systems:
Hot gas and internal combustion engines
Gas turbine
Steam power plants
Emission Reduction Technologies

Title Source Short Description

United States Patents, Patent Number 6056538, 2. Mai 2000

Europäische Patentschrift, Patent Nummer EP 0 794 384, 20. November 2002

Europäische Patentschrift, Patent Nummer EP 0 789 193, 10. April 2002

Europäische Patentschrift, Patent Nummer EP 0 754 908 B1, 9. September 1998


Combustion noise from non-premixed and lean-premixed swirl flames. Acta Acustica united with Acustica
Bender, C.; Büchner, H.
2009. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 95 (7), 402–408. doi:10.3813/AAA.918164
Measurement and Simulation of Combustion Noise emitted from Swirl Burners
Bender, C.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Büchner, H.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Combustion Noise. Ed.: A. Schwarz, 33–62, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02038-4_2

further Publications

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Experimental Investigations on the Dynamics of Pulsated Premixed Axial Jetflames"
International Symposium on Pulsating Combustion, Monterey, USA, August 6 - 8, 1991.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum dynamischen Reaktionsverhalten pulsierter Vormischflammen"
15. Deutscher Flammentag, Bochum, 17. - 18. September, 1991.

H. Büchner, W. Leuckel
"Experimentelle Untersuchungen zum dynamischen Reaktionsverhalten pulsierter Vormischflammen"
VDI-Berichte Nr. 922, S.453-462, 1991.

H. Büchner
"Der Einfluß von Druckschwankungen auf die Bildung von Gas/Luft-Gemischen in Vormisch-Verbrennungssystemen"
Gas-Wärme-International 41, Nr. 1, S. 24-28, 1992.

H. Büchner
"Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Entstehungsmechanismen selbsterregter Druckschwingungen in technischen Vormisch-Verbrennungssystemen"
Dissertation, Engler-Bunte-Institut, Universität Karlsruhe (T.H.), Verlag Shaker, Aachen, ISBN 3-86111-291-4, 1992.

H. Büchner, W. Leuckel
"The Importance of Coherent Turbulent Vortex Rings in Premixed Pulsating Combustion"
Poster Presentation on the "Twenty-Fourth International Symposium on Combustion", Sydney, July 5 - 10, 1992.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Das Schwingungsverhalten turbulenter Vormischflammen"
Internes Seminar des SFB 167 "Hochbelastete Brennräume - Stationäre Gleichdruckverbrennung", Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 1. Juli, 1992.

H. Büchner, Chr. Hirsch
Vortrag: "Oscillations of Natural Gas Flames - Experimental Investigations and Numerical Modeling"
GERG PC5 Acoustic Seminar, Solihull, England, December 9, 1992.

H. Büchner, Ch. Hirsch, W. Leuckel
"The Formation of Coherent Turbulent Vortex Rings in Periodic Flow"
Proceedings of "13th Symposium on Turbulence", Rolla (Missouri), September 21- 23, 1992.

H. Büchner, Chr. Hirsch, W. Leuckel
"Experimental Investigations on the Dynamics of Pulsated Premixed Axial Jet Flames"
Combustion, Science and Technology 94, Nr. 1-6, S. 219-228, 1993.

H. Büchner
"Der Einfluß von Druckschwankungen auf die Bildung von Gas-Luft-Gemischen in Vormisch-Verbrennungssystemen"
IF - Die Industriefeuerung 56, S. 10-14, 1993.

H. Büchner, W. Leuckel
"Selbsterregte Druckschwingungen in turbulenten Vormisch-Verbrennungssystemen"
Gas-Wärme-International 42, Nr. 6, S. 272-279, 1993.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "The Influence of Fuel/Air Mixture Oscillations on the Formation of Self-Sustained Combustion Instabilities in Premixed Combustion Systems"
ASI "Unsteady Combustion", Praia da Granja, Portugal, September 6 - 17, 1993.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen zur Stabilität vorgemischter Verbrennungssysteme"
ABB Forschungszentrum, Dättwil, Schweiz, 13. September, 1994.

H. Büchner
"Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Formation of Self-Sustained Pressure Oscillations in a Low-NOx Burner"
Proceedings of 3rd Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Hong Kong, Dezember 11 - 15, 1995.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Entstehungsmechanismen thermo-akustischer Druckschwingungen in einem industriellen Vormischbrenner"
17. Deutscher Flammentag, Hamburg, 12. -13. September, 1995.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Experimental and Theoretical Investigations on the Formation of Self-Sustained Pressure Oscillations in a Low-NOx Burner"
3rd Asian-Pacific International Symposium on Combustion and Energy Utilization, Hong Kong, December 11 - 15, 1995.

H. Büchner, W. Leuckel, A. Hilgenstock
"Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchungen der Entstehungsmechanismen thermo-akustischer Druckschwingungen in einem industriellen Vormischbrenner"
VDI-Berichte Nr. 1193, S. 243-250, 1995.

H. Büchner
"The Influence of Fuel/Air Mixture Oscillations on the Formation of Self-Sustained Combustion Instabilities in Premixed Combustion Systems"
"Unsteady Combustion", Series E: Applied Sciences, Vol. 306, S. 71-82, Kluwer Academic Publishers, London 1996.

H. Büchner, Ch. Külsheimer
"Untersuchungen zum frequenzabhängigen Mischungs- und Reaktionsverhalten pulsierender, vorgemischter Drallflammen"
Gas-Wärme-International 46, Nr. 2, S. 122-129, 1997.

H. Büchner
"Messung und Berechnung der Druckübertragungscharakteristiken eines realen, dämpfungsbehafteten Helmholtz-Resonators"
Feuerungstechnik "Kaleidoskop aus aktueller Forschungs und Entwicklung", S. 123 - 145, ISBN 3-00-001593-0, 1997.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Strömungs- und Verbrennungsinstabilitäten in technischen Verbrennungssystemen"
Kolloquium der Fakultät für Angewandte Physik, Justus-Liebig-Universität, Gießen, 2. November, 1998.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Strömungsinduzierte Verbrennungsinstabilitäten in technischen Verbrennungssystemen"
Kolloquium der Fakultät Chemieingenieurwesen/Verfahrenstechnik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 20. Januar, 1999.

H. Büchner, Ch. Külsheimer, W. Leuckel, H. Bockhorn
"Untersuchungen der Entstehungsmechanismen für das Auftreten periodischer Druck-/Flammenschwingungen in hochturbulenten Verbrennungssystemen"
VDI-Berichte Nr. 1492, S. 463-468, 1999.

H. Büchner
"Aerodynamic Suppression of Combustion-Driven Pressure Oscillations in Technical Premixed Combustors"
International Journal of Transport Phenomena, Gordon and Breach Publishers, 2000.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner
"Periodische Störungen im turbulenten Strömungsfeld eines Vormisch-Drallbrenners"
Chemie-Ingenieur Technik 72, S. 512-515, 2000.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner
"Flow-Field Instabilities in Highly Turbulent Co-Swirl Burner Systems"
Proceedings of "Open Meeting on Combustion", 23rd Event of the Italian Section of the Combustion Institute, Ischia, May 22 - 25, 2000.

Ch. Külsheimer, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
"The Importance of Reactive Coherent Ring-Vortices on Combustion-Driven Instabilities"
Poster Presentation on the "Twenty-Eigth International Symposium on Combustion", Edinburgh, 30th July - 4th August, 2000.

F. Fakhar, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
"Experimental Investigations of Combustion-Driven Oscillations by Water Injection in Liquid-Fired Gas-Turbine Combustors"
Poster Presentation on the "Twenty-Eigth International Symposium on Combustion", Edinburgh, 30th July - 4th August, 2000.

F. Fakhar, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
"Experimentelle Untersuchungen der Entstehungsmechanismen selbsterregter Druckschwingungen bei Wassereinspritzung in ölbefeuerten Brennkammern."
In Forschung für die Kraftwerkstechnik 2000, vol. TB 234, VGB Technische Vereinigung der Großkraftwerksbetreiber e.V., Essen, p. E2, 1-8, 2000.

Ch. Külsheimer, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
"The Dynamic Behaviour of Turbulent, Premixed Swirl Flames"
In Proceedings of the 18th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS), University of Washington, ISBN 0-9711740-0-8, Seattle, Washington, USA, 2001.

Ch. Külsheimer, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn, G. Lauer
"Untersuchungen zum periodisch-instationären Reaktionsverhalten vorgemischter Drallflammen mittels OH-LIPF und Rayleigh-Streuung"
In Verbrennung und Feuerungen - 20. Deutscher Flammentag, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), Düsseldorf, VDI-Berichte 1629, p. 295-300, 2001.

Dr.-Ing. H. Büchner
"Strömungs- und Verbrennungsinstabilitäten in technischen Verbrennungssystemen"
Habilitationsschrift, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 2001.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: "Wechselwirkungen zwischen Turbulenz und Verbrennung"
Institut für Thermische Verfahrenstechnik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 2. Juli, 2001.

M. Lohrmann, G. Arnold, H. Büchner
„Modeling of the resonance characteristics of a Helmholtz-resonator-type combustion chamber with energy dissipation”
In Proceedings of the International Gas Research Conference (IGRC), Amsterdam, 2001.

F. E. Fakhar, H. Büchner
„Combustion-Driven Instabilities in Liquid- Fired Swirl Combustors”
In Proceedings of the 6th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, Lisbon, Portugal, 2-5th April 2002.

C. Külsheimer, H. Büchner
„Combustion Dynamics of Turbulent Swirling Flames”
Combustion and Flame 131/1-2 pp.70-84, 2002.

H. Büchner
Antrittsvorlesung: "Flammenstabilisierung durch Drall: Wechselwirkungen zwischen Zündstabilität und Verbrennungsschwingungen"
Antrittsvorlesung an der Fakultät für Chemieingenieurwesen und Verfahrenstechnik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), 16. April, 2002.

W. Krebs, H. Büchner, M. Lohrmann, S. Hoffmann, B. Prade
„Thermoacoustic Flame Response of Swirl Flames”
GT-2002-30065, ASME TURBO EXPO 2002, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2002.

K. Merkle, H. Haessler, H. Büchner, N. Zarzalis
„Effect of Co- and Counter- Swirl on the Isothermal Flow- and Mixture- Field of an Airblast Atomizer Nozzle”
In Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurement, Mallorca, Spain, 16-18th September, 2002.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner, C. Külsheimer, W. Krebs
„Measurements and OH-Imaging of the Flame Response Characteristics of Swirl Flames for Gas Turbine Applications”
Poster Presentation on the "Twenty-Ninth International Symposim on Combustion", Sapporo, Japan, July 21-26, 2002.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: „Periodische Verbrennungsinstabilitäten bei vorgemischten Drallflammen”
Kolloquium am Institut für Verbrennungstechnik der DLR-Stuttgart, 10. Februar, 2003.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: „Wechselwirkungen zwischen Zündstabilisierung und Verbrennungsschwingungen bei turbulenten Drallflammen”
GVC-Fachausschuss "Hochtemperaturtechnik", Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 20.-21. Februar, 2003.

H. Büchner
Übersichtsvortrag: „Flammenstabilisierung durch Drall”
DFG-Forschergruppe "Verbrennungslärm" DLR-Stuttgart, 14. Februar, 2003.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner, N. Zarzalis, W. Krebs
„Flame Transfer Function Characteristics of Swirl Flames for Gas Turbine Applications”
In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2003, GT2003-38113, Atlanta, USA, 2003.

M. Hettel, H. Büchner, P. Habisreuter, H. Bockhorn, N. Zarzalis
„Modelling of Ring-Vortices and their Interaction with Turbulent Premixed Flames”
In Proceeding of the Third Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, June 8.-13., Marrakech, Marocco, p.1015-1026, 2003.

M. Hettel, H. Büchner, P. Habisreuther, H. Bockhorn, N. Zarzalis

„Modelling of Flame Frequency Response of Turbulent Premixed Flames

In Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2003 (ECM2003), Federation of the European Sections of the Combustion Institute, Orleans, 2003.

M. Hettel, H. Büchner, P. Habisreuther, H. Bockhorn, N. Zarzalis

„Modellierung des Übertragungsverhaltens von turbulenten, vorgemischten, freibrennenden Axialstrahlflammen

In Verbrennung und Feuerungen - 21. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-Berichte 1750, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), Düsseldorf, 2003.

G. Arnold, H. Büchner
„Modeling of the Transfer Function of a Helmholtz-Resonator-Type Combustion Chamber”
In Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting (ECM2003), Federation of the European Sections of the Combustion Institute, Orléans, 2003.

H. Büchner, M. Lohrmann
„Coherent Flow Structures in Turbulent Swirl Flames as Drivers for Combustion Instabilities”
In Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Combustion and Noise Control, Cranfield University, Cranfield, 2003.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: „Coherent Flow Structures in Turbulent Swirl Flames as Drivers for Combustion Instabilities”
International Colloquium on Combustion and Noise Control, Cranfield University, Cranfield, 13. August, 2003.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner
„Schwingungsstabilität mager-vorgemischter Drallflammen in Abhängigkeit von der Gemischvorwärmung”
In Verbrennung und Feuerungen – 21. Deutscher Flammentag, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure (ed.), Düsseldorf, VDI-Berichte 1750, S. 401-406, 2003.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner
„Influence of the Air Preheating Temperature on the Flame Dynamics of Kerosene-LPP Swirl Flames”
In Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2003 (ECM2003), Federation of the European Sections of the Combustion Institute, Orléans, 2003.

K. Merkle, H. Büchner, N. Zarzalis, N. Sara

„Influence of Co and Counter Swirl on Lean Stability Limits of an Airblast Nozzle

In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2003, Vol. GT2003-38113, Atlanta, USA, 2003.

C. Bender, P.  Habisreuther, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn

„Mechanismen der Lärmentstehung in pilotierten Vormisch-Drallflammen

11. Workshop Physikalische Akustik "Verbrennungslärm", Bad Honnef, 16.-18. September, 2004.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner
Scaling of Stability Limits of Lean-Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors”
In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, Wien, Österreich, 2004.

M. Hettel, H. Büchner, P.Habisreuther, H. Bockhorn, N. Zarzalis
URANS – Modelling of Flame Transfer Functions of Turbulent Premixed Jet Flames”
In Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo, Wien, Österreich, 2004.

M. Lohrmann, C. Bender, H. Büchner, N. Zarzalis
Scaling of Stability Limits by Use of Universal Flame Transfer Functions”
30. Deutsche Jahrestagung für Akustik, CFA/DAGA, Straßburg, Frankreich, 2004.

M. Hettel, H. Büchner, P.Habisreuther, H. Bockhorn, N. Zarzalis
Modeling of Turbulent Ring Vortices and Their Interaction with Turbulent Premixed Flames ”
Combustion Science and Technology, 176, S. 835-850, 2004.

H. Büchner, F. Magagnato, M. Gabi
Vortrag: Resonator Behaviour of a Helmholtz-resonator Type Combustion Chamber”
1. Intern. Workshop of Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 606, 8.-9. July, 2004.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: Experimental Investigations of Instabilities in Turbulent Premixed Flames”
1. Intern. Workshop of Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 606, 8.-9. July, 2004.

P. Habisreuther, C. Bender, O. Petsch, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
Calculated and Measured Turbulent Noise in a Strongly Swirling Isothermal Jet”
In Proceedings Joint Congress CFA/DAGA'04, Strasbourg, France, p. 1179-1180, 2004.

P. Habisreuther, O. Petsch, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
Berechnete und gemessene Strömungsinstabilitäten in einer verdrallten Brennerströmung”
GASWÄRME International 53, Nr. 6, p. 326-331, 2004.

H. Büchner, F. Magagnato, M. Gabi
Untersuchungen zum Resonanzverhalten einer Brennkammer vom Helmholtz-Resonator-Typ”
Forschungsbericht 2002-2004 des SFB 606: Instationäre Verbrennung, S. 151-182, 2004.

H. Büchner
Experimentelle Untersuchungen zur Schwingungsneigung pilotierter Vormischflammen”
Forschungsbericht 2002-2004 des SFB 606: Instationäre Verbrennung, S. 347-384, 2004.

H. Büchner, M. Lohrmann

Coherent Flow Structures in Turbulent Swirl Flames as Drivers for Combustion Instabilities”

Advances in Combustion and Noise Control, pp. 225 – 238, Cranfield University, ISBN 1-871315-92-1, 2005.

C. Bender, P. Habisreuther, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
Lärmentstehung in pilotierten Drallflammen”
In Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft , vol. 5/2005, ISSN 0420-0195, DPG, p. 23, 2005.

P. Habisreuther, C. Bender, O. Petsch, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
Prediction of Pressure Oscillations in a premixed swirl combustor flow and comparison to measurements”
ERCOFTAC International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements, ETMM6, Sardinia, Italy, May 23.-25., 2005.

C. Bender, H. Büchner
Noise emissions from a premixed swirl combustor”
12th International Congress on Sound and Vibration, Lisbon, Portugal, 11.-14. July, 2005.

C. Bender, H. Büchner
„Mechanismen der Lärmentstehung in freibrennenden und eingeschlossenen Drallflammen”
In Verbrennung und Feuerungen - 22. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-GET, VDI-Berichte Nr. 1888, S. 311-317, Braunschweig, 21.-22.September, 2005.

O. Petsch, H. Büchner
„Untersuchungen zum Resonanzverhalten einer Modellbrennkammer vom Helmholtz-Resonator-Typ”
In Verbrennung und Feuerungen - 22. Deutscher Flammentag, VDI-GET, VDI-Berichte Nr. 1888, S. 507-512, Braunschweig, 21.-22.September, 2005.

H. Büchner
Vortrag: Self-Excited Combustion Instabilities - Modelling and Numerical Calculation”
Klausurtagung, SFB 606 (TH Karlsruhe) / 568 (TU Darmstadt), Seeheim, 10.-11. November, 2005.

M. Lohrmann, H. Büchner
Prediction of stability limits for LP and LPP gas turbine combustors”
Combustion Science and Technology, 177, Nr. 12, S. 2243-2273, 2005.

M. Hettel, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
„URANS-Modeling of Pulsed Turbulent Jets and Premixed Jet Flames”
Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics (PCFD) 5, Nr. 7, p. 386-397, Bo693/12-3, 2005.

M. Hettel, P. Habisreuther, M. Weiß, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn, N. Zarzalis
„Numerische Untersuchung von Ringwirbelstrukturen im Hinblick auf die Entstehung von Verbrennungsinstabilitäten”
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), Abschlussbericht, Bo693/12-3, 2005.

A. Meyer, H. Büchner

High-Frequency Oscillation in Lean-Premixed Gas Turbine Combustors”

In Proceedings of the 7th Industrial Furnaces and Boilers, ISBN 972-99309-1-0, 18-21 April 2006.

P. Habisreuther, C. Bender, O. Petsch, H. Büchner, H. Bockhorn
„Prediction of Pressure Oscillations in a Premixed Swirl Combustor Flow and Comparison to Measurements”
Flow Turbulence and Combustion 77, Nr. 1-4, p. 147-160, 2006.

M. Russ, H. Büchner
Vortrag „Thermoakustische Eigenschaften von LP- und LPP- Flammen”
Zwischengutachten der Forschungsinitiative „Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts“; Stuttgart Haus der Wirtsschaft, 2006.

M. Russ, H. Büchner
„Thermoakustische Eigenschaften von LP- und LPP- Flammen”
Forschungsinitiative „Kraftwerke des 21. Jahrhunderts“; Partner MTU Aero Engines, 2006.

C. Bender, H. Büchner

The Impact of Flame Stabilisation and Coherent Flow Structures on the Noise Emission of Turbulent Swirl Flames”

11th CEAS-ASC Workshop, Lissabon, Portugal, September 2007.

F. Rebosio, M. Di Domenico, A. Meyer, B. Noll, H. Büchner, M. Aigner

Numerical Simulation of Flow and Combustion of a Laminar Multiple Port Burner Using Detailed Chemistry”

In Proceedings of the Third European Combustion Meeting ECM, 2007.

M. Russ, H. Büchner

Pressure Scaling of Stability Limits in Gas Turbine Combustors”

Proceedings of ASME Turbo EXPO: Power for Land Sea and Air, GT-2007-27775  Montreal, Kanada, Mai 2007.

M. Russ, H. Büchner

„Berechnung des Schwingungsverhaltens gekoppelter Helmholtz-Resonatoren in technischen Verbrennungssystemen”

23. Deutscher Flammentag – Verbrennung und Feuerung, VDI-Berichte Nr. 1988, S.175-182, ISBN 978-3-18-091988-1, Berlin, September, 2007.