Welcome to Combustion Technology
The Combustion Technology Division of the Engler-Bunte-Institut comprises of the Chair for Combustion Technology and the Chair for Simulation of Reacting Thermo-Fluid Systems. The division pursues research on reacting flows from gaseous, liquid and solid fuels by means of various measurement methods and numerical modelling approaches. The research center for fire protection technology is part of the Chair for Combustion Technology and deals with research and development work in the field of preventive fire protection.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dimosthenis Trimis holds the Char for Combustion Technology. The Chair for Simulation of Reacting Thermo-Fluid Systems is held by Prof. Dr. Oliver T. Stein.

The 4th workshop on Clean Solids Conversion (CSC) is co-organised by EBI and will be held as a satellite meeting prior to the 19th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (ICNC) in Kyoto, Japan on the 7th of May 2024.
For more details on the CSC Workshop please see our website at
For more details on the ICNC conference please visit

The partial project executed by KIT focuses on the technical implementation of combustion. It is planned to develop a lab-scale sulfur burner for stable combustion in the range from 10 to 50 kilowatts at high power densities under atmospheric conditions and temperatures higher than 1400°C. Power density in particular allows for the effective use of sulfur as a fuel for electricity production. “Although combustion often is associated with fossil technologies, we want to show that it also is an important element in the context of the energy transition,” Prof. Trimis says.
With the progressing decarbonization of the energy market, hydrogen will play an important role in end applications in the near future and will be available on a large scale. With the hydrogen strategy of the "European Green Deal", the European Commission has set itself the goal of hydrogen taking in an integral part of the integrated energy system.