Thorsten Zirwes received the Bernard Lewis Fellowship as one of six recipients at this year's International Symposium on Combustion in Vancouver, Canada. The prize has been awarded biannually since 1996 by the Combustion Institute in honor of the scientist Bernard Lewis to recognize outstanding research by young scientists.
The KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e. V. (KFG) annually awards the Blanc & Fischer Innovation Award together with the KIT to honor the best dissertations in the field of engineering. The winners are selected with an emphasis on high innovative potential of the methods developed during the doctorate, successful transfer into practice, and excellent oral and written communication. The award is sponsored for three years by the company Blanc & Fischer. Thorsten Zirwes received the award together with two other prize winners for developing efficient computational methods to speed up the simulation of chemically reacting flows on supercomputers.
In a 13-part series of articles, The Combustion Institute recognizes the 2022 Distinguished Papers selected from among the scientific papers presented during the 39th International Symposium on Combustion.
We are very proud that the manuscript "Effects of Low-Temperature Chemical Reactions on Ignition Kernel Development and Flame Propagation in a DME-Air Mixing Layer" by Yiqing Wang, Wang Han, Thorsten Zirwes, Feichi Zhang, Henning Bockhorn and Zheng Chen, has been selected as the Distinguished Paper in the "Laminar Flames" colloquium for the 39th International Symposium on Combustion.
The list of distinguished papers and authors will be added soon to the "awards"-page of the Combustion Institute's website