Dr.-Ing. Peter Habisreuther
- Gruppe: Verbrennungstechnik
- Raum: 005.2
CS 40.13 - Tel.: +49 721 608-42577
- peter habisreuther ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
- Engler-Bunte-Ring 7
76131 Karlsruhe
Wissenschaftliche Schwerpunkte
- Chemisch-kinetische Anwendungen
- Turbulente Reaktionsmodelle
- Grobstruktursimulation (LES) turbulenter Verbrennung
Beruflicher Werdegang
Aus | Friedrichshafen, Deutschland |
1982-1991 | Studium Maschinenbau, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Deutschland |
1992-2002 | PhD (Dr.-Ing.) in Chemieingenieurwesen und Verfahrenstechnik, Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Deutschland |
Seit 2002 |
Leiter der numerischen Gruppe, Teilinstitut Verbrennungstechnik am Engler-Bunte-Institut des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie |
Experimental investigation of irradiance from combustion in porous media with different geometries
Weinbrecht, P.; Stelzner, B.; Habisreuther, P.; Weis, C.; Trimis, D.
2024. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 20, 100294. doi:10.1016/j.jaecs.2024.100294
Weinbrecht, P.; Stelzner, B.; Habisreuther, P.; Weis, C.; Trimis, D.
2024. Applications in Energy and Combustion Science, 20, 100294. doi:10.1016/j.jaecs.2024.100294
Experimental and numerical investigations of the laminar burning velocities of premixed fuel-rich methane oxy-fuel and oxygen-enhanced flames
Weis, C.; Martin Sentko, M.; Stelzner, B.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2024. Fuel, 368, Art.-Nr.: 131601. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131601
Weis, C.; Martin Sentko, M.; Stelzner, B.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2024. Fuel, 368, Art.-Nr.: 131601. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2024.131601
Experimental and numerical investigations of the laminar burning velocities of premixed fuel-rich methane oxy-fuel and oxygen-enhanced flames
Weis, C.; Sentko, M.; Stelzner, B.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2023. 4th Oxyflame Workshop
Weis, C.; Sentko, M.; Stelzner, B.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2023. 4th Oxyflame Workshop
Experimental determination of the laminar burning velocity of methane-oxygen-flames stabilized with cylindrical burners at various preheating temperatures
Schlinger, P.; Jazkow, W.; Habisreuther, P.; Stelzner, B.; Trimis, D.
2023. 11th European Combustion Meeting 2023, 1121–1126
Schlinger, P.; Jazkow, W.; Habisreuther, P.; Stelzner, B.; Trimis, D.
2023. 11th European Combustion Meeting 2023, 1121–1126
Numerical calculation of the lean-blow-out in a multi-jet burner
Schwagerus, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2023. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’21 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2021. Ed.: W. Nagel, 497–511, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17937-2_31
Schwagerus, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2023. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’21 : Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2021. Ed.: W. Nagel, 497–511, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-031-17937-2_31
Simulation eines industriellen Brenners zur thermischen Nachverbrennung mit Lösemittel beladener Luft hinsichtlich der Brenngassubstitution von Erdgas durch Wasserstoff
Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Athenstädt, C.; Wahl, E.; Trimis, D.
2023. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik
Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Athenstädt, C.; Wahl, E.; Trimis, D.
2023. Jahrestreffen der DECHEMA Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik
Development of a model burner for turbulent premixed hydrogen-air combustion at high exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) rates
Schneider, M.; Bauer, M.; Schulz, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Weis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Trimis, D.
2023. 31. Deutscher Flammentag (2023), Berlin, Deutschland, 27.–28. September 2023
Schneider, M.; Bauer, M.; Schulz, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Weis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Trimis, D.
2023. 31. Deutscher Flammentag (2023), Berlin, Deutschland, 27.–28. September 2023
Investigation of the laminar burning velocity of premixed H2-air flames highly diluted with exhaust gas using the heat-flux burner method
Schneider, M.; Bauer, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Weis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Trimis, D.
2023. Proceedings of the 11th European Combustion Institute Meeting - 2023 Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2023, 1–6. doi:10.5445/IR/1000165131
Schneider, M.; Bauer, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Weis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Trimis, D.
2023. Proceedings of the 11th European Combustion Institute Meeting - 2023 Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting 2023, 1–6. doi:10.5445/IR/1000165131
Numerical simulations of air-assisted primary atomization at different air-to-liquid injection angles
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Bockhorn, H.; Stapf, D.
2023. International journal of multiphase flow, 158, Art.-Nr.: 104304. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2022.104304
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Bockhorn, H.; Stapf, D.
2023. International journal of multiphase flow, 158, Art.-Nr.: 104304. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2022.104304
3D direct pore level simulations of radiant porous burners
Wieland, C.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2022. Combustion and Flame, 245, Art.-Nr.: 112370. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112370
Wieland, C.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2022. Combustion and Flame, 245, Art.-Nr.: 112370. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2022.112370
Numerical Study on Flame Stabilization and NO Formation in a Novel Burner System for Sulfur Combustion
Zhang, F.; Kurjata, M.; Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Harth, S.; Wang, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2022. Energy and Fuels, 36 (7), 4094–4106. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c04007
Zhang, F.; Kurjata, M.; Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Harth, S.; Wang, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2022. Energy and Fuels, 36 (7), 4094–4106. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.1c04007
Simulations of Air-assisted Primary Atomization at Different Air-to-Liquid Injection Angles for Entrained Flow Gasification
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Bockhorn, H.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt. Ed.: F. Dinkelacker, 1116–1125
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Bockhorn, H.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt. Ed.: F. Dinkelacker, 1116–1125
Correction to: Quasi-DNS Dataset of a Piloted Flame with Inhomogeneous Inlet Conditions
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hansinger, M.; Bockhorn, H.; Pfitzner, M.; Trimis, D.
2021. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 107 (2), 517. doi:10.1007/s10494-021-00244-3
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hansinger, M.; Bockhorn, H.; Pfitzner, M.; Trimis, D.
2021. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 107 (2), 517. doi:10.1007/s10494-021-00244-3
Lean-Blow-Out Simulation of Natural Gas Fueled, Premixed Turbulent Jet Flame Arrays With LES and FGM-Modeling
Schwagerus, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2021. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition Volume 3A : ASME Turbo Expo 2021 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2021 June 7-11, 2021, Virtual, Online, Art.-Nr: V03AT04A026, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2021-58938
Schwagerus, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2021. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2021: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition Volume 3A : ASME Turbo Expo 2021 Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2021 June 7-11, 2021, Virtual, Online, Art.-Nr: V03AT04A026, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2021-58938
Large Eddy Simulation of the Two-Phase Reactive Flow Field in a Single Sector Laboratory Scale Rich-Quench-Lean Combustion Chamber
Kaddar, D.; Langenthal, T. von; Weis, C. G.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2021. 10th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2021), April 14-15, 2021, Virtual Edition. Proceedings Volume, 1121–1126, MCM
Kaddar, D.; Langenthal, T. von; Weis, C. G.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2021. 10th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2021), April 14-15, 2021, Virtual Edition. Proceedings Volume, 1121–1126, MCM
Implementation and Validation of a Computationally Efficient DNS Solver for Reacting Flows in OpenFOAM
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020: Collection of papers presented at the 14th edition of the WCCM-ECCOMAS, virtual congress, January, 11-15, 2021. Ed.: F. Chinesta, Scipedia S.L. doi:10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.175
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. 14th WCCM-ECCOMAS Congress 2020: Collection of papers presented at the 14th edition of the WCCM-ECCOMAS, virtual congress, January, 11-15, 2021. Ed.: F. Chinesta, Scipedia S.L. doi:10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.175
Hybrid eulerian-lagrangian approach for dense spray simulations
Heidarifatasmi, H.; Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2021. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 29th International Symposium, GD 2021, Tübingen, Germany, September 14–17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Ed.: H. C. Purchase, 1–12, Scipedia S.L. doi:10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.172
Heidarifatasmi, H.; Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2021. Graph Drawing and Network Visualization: 29th International Symposium, GD 2021, Tübingen, Germany, September 14–17, 2021, Revised Selected Papers. Ed.: H. C. Purchase, 1–12, Scipedia S.L. doi:10.23967/wccm-eccomas.2020.172
Enhancing OpenFOAM’s Performance on HPC Systems
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’19 – Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2019. Ed.: W. Nagel, 225–239, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-66792-4_16
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’19 – Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2019. Ed.: W. Nagel, 225–239, Springer International Publishing. doi:10.1007/978-3-030-66792-4_16
Numerical database of highly-resolved turbulent flame-wall interaction simulations for model validation
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Steinhausen, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Hasse, C.; Trimis, D.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt. Ed.: Dinkelacker, Friedrich; Pitsch Heinz; Scherer, Viktor, 1144–1153
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Steinhausen, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Hasse, C.; Trimis, D.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt. Ed.: Dinkelacker, Friedrich; Pitsch Heinz; Scherer, Viktor, 1144–1153
Detailed Numerical Simulation for Optimization of Radiation Efficiency of Porous Burners
Wieland, C.; Weinbrecht, P.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt Dinkelacker, Friedrich; Pitsch Heinz; Scherer, Viktor (eds.), 1066–1074
Wieland, C.; Weinbrecht, P.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt Dinkelacker, Friedrich; Pitsch Heinz; Scherer, Viktor (eds.), 1066–1074
Numerische Untersuchung der Flammenform eines vorgemischten, unverdrallten Multijetbrenners
Schwagerus, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt Dinkelacker, Friedrich; Pitsch Heinz; Scherer, Viktor (eds.), 919–927
Schwagerus, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2021. 30. Deutscher Flammentag, Deutsche Sektion des Combustion Institutes und DVV/VDI-Gesellschaft Energie und Umwelt Dinkelacker, Friedrich; Pitsch Heinz; Scherer, Viktor (eds.), 919–927
Implementation and Validation of a Computationally Efficient DNS Solver for Reacting Flows in OpenFOAM
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WWCM 2020) - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applie Sciences (ECCOMAS 2020) (2021), Online, 11.–15. Januar 2021
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. 14th World Congress on Computational Mechanics (WWCM 2020) - 8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applie Sciences (ECCOMAS 2020) (2021), Online, 11.–15. Januar 2021
Identification of Flame Regimes in Partially Premixed Combustion from a Quasi-DNS Dataset
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hansinger, M.; Bockhorn, H.; Pfitzner, M.; Trimis, D.
2021. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 106 (2), 373–404. doi:10.1007/s10494-020-00228-9
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hansinger, M.; Bockhorn, H.; Pfitzner, M.; Trimis, D.
2021. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 106 (2), 373–404. doi:10.1007/s10494-020-00228-9
In-situ flame particle tracking based on barycentric coordinates for studying local flame dynamics in pulsating Bunsen flames
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Wang, Y.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Chen, Z.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2), 2057–2066. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.033
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Wang, Y.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Chen, Z.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 38 (2), 2057–2066. doi:10.1016/j.proci.2020.07.033
Numerical Computation of Turbulent Flow Fields in a Fan-stirred Combustion Bomb
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. Combustion science and technology, 193 (4), 594–610. doi:10.1080/00102202.2019.1665520
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2021. Combustion science and technology, 193 (4), 594–610. doi:10.1080/00102202.2019.1665520
Effect of elevated pressure on air-assisted primary atomization of coaxial liquid jets : Basic research for entrained flow gasification
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Müller, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2020. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 134, Article no: 110411. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2020.110411
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Müller, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2020. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 134, Article no: 110411. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2020.110411
Numerical evaluation of a novel double-concentric swirl burner for sulfur combustion
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Harth, S.; Zirwes, T.; Wang, R.; Fedoryk, M.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2020. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 133, Art. Nr.: 110257. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2020.110257
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Harth, S.; Zirwes, T.; Wang, R.; Fedoryk, M.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2020. Renewable & sustainable energy reviews, 133, Art. Nr.: 110257. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2020.110257
The Eulerian Stochastic Fields Method Applied to Large Eddy Simulations of a Piloted Flame with Inhomogeneous Inlet
Hansinger, M.; Zirwes, T.; Zips, J.; Pfitzner, M.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2020. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 105 (3), 837–867. doi:10.1007/s10494-020-00159-5
Hansinger, M.; Zirwes, T.; Zips, J.; Pfitzner, M.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2020. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 105 (3), 837–867. doi:10.1007/s10494-020-00159-5
Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flame Propagation in a Fan-Stirred Combustion Bomb and Bunsen-Burner at Elevated Pressure
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2020. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 106, 925–944. doi:10.1007/s10494-020-00209-y
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2020. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 106, 925–944. doi:10.1007/s10494-020-00209-y
Implementation of Lagrangian Surface Tracking for High Performance Computing
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2020. 23rd High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS, 8 - 9 Oktober 2020
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2020. 23rd High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS, 8 - 9 Oktober 2020
Lagrangian Tracking of Material Surfaces in reacting Flows
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2020. The 15th OpenFOAM Workshop
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2020. The 15th OpenFOAM Workshop
Implementation of an Efficient Synthetic Inflow Turbulence-Generator in the Open-Source Code OpenFOAM for 3D LES/DNS Applications
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2020. 23rd High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS (2020), Online, 8.–9. Oktober 2020
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2020. 23rd High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS (2020), Online, 8.–9. Oktober 2020
Quasi-DNS Dataset of a Piloted Flame with Inhomogeneous Inlet Conditions
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hansinger, M.; Bockhorn, H.; Pfitzner, M.; Trimis, D.
2020. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 104, 997–1027. doi:10.1007/s10494-019-00081-5
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hansinger, M.; Bockhorn, H.; Pfitzner, M.; Trimis, D.
2020. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 104, 997–1027. doi:10.1007/s10494-019-00081-5
Impact of Combustion Modeling on the Spectral Response of Heat Release in LES
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.; Nawroth, H.; Paschereit, C. O.
2019. Combustion science and technology, 191 (9), 1520–1540. doi:10.1080/00102202.2018.1558218
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.; Nawroth, H.; Paschereit, C. O.
2019. Combustion science and technology, 191 (9), 1520–1540. doi:10.1080/00102202.2018.1558218
Determination of a correlation for predicting lean blow off limits of gaseous fueled, premixed turbulent jet flame arrays enclosed in a hexagonal dump combustor
Weis, C. G.; Schwagerus, A.; Faller, S.; Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2019. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM), Lissabon, Portugal, 14 - 17 April 2019
Weis, C. G.; Schwagerus, A.; Faller, S.; Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2019. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM), Lissabon, Portugal, 14 - 17 April 2019
Structure transition from oxygen-enhanced to oxy-fuel methane non-premixed flames near extinction
Habisreuther, P.; Stelzner, B.; Loukou, A.; Vlavakis, P.; Trimis, D.
2019. Fuel, 239, 357–364. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.11.028
Habisreuther, P.; Stelzner, B.; Loukou, A.; Vlavakis, P.; Trimis, D.
2019. Fuel, 239, 357–364. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2018.11.028
Combustion characteristics of natural gas fueled, premixed turbulent jet flame arrays confined in a hexagonal combustor
Bhagwan, R.; Huth, M.; Schwagerus, A.; Koestlin, B.; Weis, C.; Dederichs, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2019. ASME Conference Proceedings: Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. Volume 4A: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2019-90286
Bhagwan, R.; Huth, M.; Schwagerus, A.; Koestlin, B.; Weis, C.; Dederichs, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2019. ASME Conference Proceedings: Turbo Expo: Power for Land, Sea, and Air. Volume 4A: Combustion, Fuels, and Emissions, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2019-90286
Effect of Transient Flame Stretch
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems (STFS 2019), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 22. September 2019
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. Simulation of reactive Thermo-Fluid Systems (STFS 2019), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 22. September 2019
Determination of dispersion coefficients of heat and mass for porous media by detailed numerical simulation [in press]
Wieland, C.; Zhou, J.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2019. Seventeenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 06-08 May, Aachen, Germany, MS3–199
Wieland, C.; Zhou, J.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2019. Seventeenth International Conference on Numerical Combustion, 06-08 May, Aachen, Germany, MS3–199
Development of a porous burner for low calorific gaseous fuels offering a wide operating range [in press]
Wieland, C.; Weinbrecht, P.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2019. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting – 2019, April 14-17, Lisboa, Portugal, S3_AIII_53
Wieland, C.; Weinbrecht, P.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.
2019. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting – 2019, April 14-17, Lisboa, Portugal, S3_AIII_53
Numerical Investigation of a Sulfur Combustor
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Harth, S.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Deutschland, 17.–18. September 2019
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Harth, S.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Deutschland, 17.–18. September 2019
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Primary Breakup of High-Viscous Fluid at Elevated Pressure [in press]
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Dimosthenis, T.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Paris, 2-4 Sep 2019
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Dimosthenis, T.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29th European Conference on Liquid Atomization and Spray Systems, Paris, 2-4 Sep 2019
Numerical simulation of sulfur combustors with high-power-density [in press]
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Harth, S.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2019. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM), Lissabon, Portugal, 14 - 17 April 2019
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Harth, S.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2019. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM), Lissabon, Portugal, 14 - 17 April 2019
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flame Propagation in a Fan-Stirred Combustion Bomb at Elevated Pressures [in press]
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, 8th July - 2nd August 2019
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, Beijing, China, 8th July - 2nd August 2019
Large-Scale Quasi-DNS of Mixed-Mode Turbulent Combustion [in press]
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Vienna, Austria, February 18-22, 1019. Ed.: J. Eberhardsteiner, TU Verlag
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM), Vienna, Austria, February 18-22, 1019. Ed.: J. Eberhardsteiner, TU Verlag
Ignition behaviour of sulfur in air based on modified reaction kinetics [in press]
Zirwes, T.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Harth, S.; Zhang, F.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (MCS11), Tenerife, Spain, 16-20 June 2019
Zirwes, T.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Harth, S.; Zhang, F.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 11th Mediterranean Combustion Symposium (MCS11), Tenerife, Spain, 16-20 June 2019
Large-Scale Quasi-DNS of Mixed-Mode Turbulent Combustion
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2019), Wien, Österreich, 18.–22. Februar 2019
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 90th Annual Meeting of the International Association of Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (GAMM 2019), Wien, Österreich, 18.–22. Februar 2019
Numerical simulation of sulfur combustors with high-power-density
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Harth, S.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2019. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2019), Lissabon, Portugal, 14.–17. April 2019
Zhang, F.; Heidarifatasmi, H.; Zirwes, T.; Fedoryk, M.; Harth, S.; Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2019. 9th European Combustion Meeting (ECM 2019), Lissabon, Portugal, 14.–17. April 2019
LES of Combustion Noise from a Turbulent Premixed Jet Flame
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 6.–8. Mai 2019
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 6.–8. Mai 2019
Spectral response of heat release in LES combustion modeling
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 6.–8. Mai 2019
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 6.–8. Mai 2019
Implementation of Flame Particle Tracking for Studying Laminar and Turbulent Flame Dynamics
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 6.–8. Mai 2019
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 17th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (2019), Aachen, Deutschland, 6.–8. Mai 2019
Numerical Simulation of Turbulent Flame Propagation in a Fan-Stirred Combustion Bomb at Elevated Pressures
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS 2019), Peking, China, 28. Juli–2. August 2019
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. 27th International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems (ICDERS 2019), Peking, China, 28. Juli–2. August 2019
Numerical and Experimental Investigations of Primary Breakup of High-Viscous Fluid at Elevated Pressure
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29th European Conference Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ILASS 2019), Paris, Frankreich, 2.–4. September 2019
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29th European Conference Liquid Atomization & Spray Systems (ILASS 2019), Paris, Frankreich, 2.–4. September 2019
Effect of elevated pressure on primary jet-breakup: Basic research for entrained flow gasification
Zhang, F.; Müller, T.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Deutschland, 17.–18. September 2019
Zhang, F.; Müller, T.; Zirwes, T.; Wachter, S.; Jakobs, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.
2019. 29. Deutscher Flammentag (2019), Bochum, Deutschland, 17.–18. September 2019
Improved Vectorization for Efficient Chemistry Computations in OpenFOAM for Large Scale Combustion Simulations
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’18 - Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2018. Ed.: W. E. Nagel, 209–224, Springer International Publishing
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2019. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’18 - Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2018. Ed.: W. E. Nagel, 209–224, Springer International Publishing
Analysis of CH2O x OH as marker for fuel-rich air to pure oxy-fuel flames under higher preheat temperature and elevated pressure and strain
Sentko, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Vourliotakis, G.; Keramiotis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Founti, M.; Trimis, D.
2019. International Workshop on Clean Combustion: Principles and Applications (2019), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 25.–26. September 2019
Sentko, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Vourliotakis, G.; Keramiotis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Founti, M.; Trimis, D.
2019. International Workshop on Clean Combustion: Principles and Applications (2019), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 25.–26. September 2019
Analysis of CH O x OH as marker for fuel-rich air to pure oxy-fuel flames under higher preheat temperature and elevated pressure
Sentko, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Vourliotakis, G.; Keramiotis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Founti, M.; Trimis, D.
2019. Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting
Sentko, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Vourliotakis, G.; Keramiotis, C.; Stelzner, B.; Founti, M.; Trimis, D.
2019. Proceedings of the 9th European Combustion Meeting
Change in Flame Geometry of an Ethanol Spray Flame by Varying the Spray Characteristics
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Fukumasu, N. K.; Denev, J. A.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Krieger Filho, G. C.
2019. Combustion science and technology, 191 (9), 1693–1710. doi:10.1080/00102202.2019.1639682
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Fukumasu, N. K.; Denev, J. A.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Krieger Filho, G. C.
2019. Combustion science and technology, 191 (9), 1693–1710. doi:10.1080/00102202.2019.1639682
Experimental and Numerical Investigations of Characteristics of an Axial Jet in the Vicinity of a Confined Concentric Swirl Flow in a Model Combustor
Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 4A, GT2018–75028, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT201875028
Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo 2018: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 4A, GT2018–75028, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT201875028
Modeling and Design of a Catalytic Wall Reactor for the Methanation of Carbon Dioxide
Gruber, M.; Wieland, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Schollenberger, D.; Bajohr, S.; vonMorstein, O.; Schirrmeister, S.
2018. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (5), 615–624. doi:10.1002/cite.201700160
Gruber, M.; Wieland, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Schollenberger, D.; Bajohr, S.; vonMorstein, O.; Schirrmeister, S.
2018. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 90 (5), 615–624. doi:10.1002/cite.201700160
Structure transition from oxygen-enhanced to oxy-fuel methane non-premixed flames near extinction
Habisreuther, P.; Stelzner, B.; Vlavakis, P.; Loukou, A.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2018, Februar 14. 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion (2018), Bochum, Deutschland, 14.–15. Februar 2018
Habisreuther, P.; Stelzner, B.; Vlavakis, P.; Loukou, A.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2018, Februar 14. 2nd International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion (2018), Bochum, Deutschland, 14.–15. Februar 2018
Towards reduction of computational cost for large-scale combustion modelling with a multi-regional concept
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Progress in computational fluid dynamics, 18 (6), 333–346. doi:10.1504/PCFD.2018.096616
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Progress in computational fluid dynamics, 18 (6), 333–346. doi:10.1504/PCFD.2018.096616
Automated Code Generation for Maximizing Performance of Detailed Chemistry Calculations in OpenFOAM
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland, 16 (1), 54–58
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Innovatives Supercomputing in Deutschland, 16 (1), 54–58
Optimized Chemistry and Detailed Transport for Massively Parallel Simulations of Turbulent Combustion with OpenFOAM
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. The 13th OpenFOAM Workshop (OFW13), Shanghai, China, June 24-29 2018. Ed.: J. Wang
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. The 13th OpenFOAM Workshop (OFW13), Shanghai, China, June 24-29 2018. Ed.: J. Wang
Investigation of S2 + Air Combustion
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Proceedings of Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, Sorrento, Italy, May 23-26, 2018. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, VI10, Associazione Sezione Italiana del Combustion Institute (ASICI)
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Proceedings of Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, Sorrento, Italy, May 23-26, 2018. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, VI10, Associazione Sezione Italiana del Combustion Institute (ASICI)
Influence of Reactor Pressure on the Primary Jet Breakup of High-Viscosity Fuels: Basic Research for Simulation-Assisted Design of Low-Grade Fuel Burner
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Müller, T.; Kadel, K.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Zarzalis, N.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (GT), Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 3, Article no: 75950, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2018-75950
Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Müller, T.; Kadel, K.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Zarzalis, N.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition (GT), Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 3, Article no: 75950, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2018-75950
Simulation of the Primary Jet Breakup of Non-Newtonian Fuels: Basic Research for Simulation-Assisted Design of Low-Grade Fuel Burner
Müller, T.; Kadel, K.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018, Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 3, Article no: 75945, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2018-75945
Müller, T.; Kadel, K.; Habisreuther, P.; Trimis, D.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2018. ASME Turbo Expo : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition GT2018, Oslo, Norway, June 11–15, 2018. Vol.: 3, Article no: 75945, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2018-75945
Optimizing Load Balancing of Reacting Flow Solvers in OpenFOAM for High Performance Computing
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. 6th ESI OpenFOAM User Conference 2018, Hamburg, 23.-25. Oktober 2018, 1–13, ESI Group
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Denev, J. A.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. 6th ESI OpenFOAM User Conference 2018, Hamburg, 23.-25. Oktober 2018, 1–13, ESI Group
Improved Vectorization for Efficient Chemistry Computations in OpenFOAM for Large Scale Combustion Simulations
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. 21th High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS (2018), Stuttgart, Deutschland, 4.–5. Oktober 2018
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. 21th High Performance Computing in Science & Engineering - Results and Review Workshop of the HLRS (2018), Stuttgart, Deutschland, 4.–5. Oktober 2018
Spectral response of different combustion models in LES of direct combustion noise
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Nawroth, H.; Li, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.; Paschereit, C. O.
2018. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrent, Italien, 23.–26. Mai 2018
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Nawroth, H.; Li, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.; Paschereit, C. O.
2018. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrent, Italien, 23.–26. Mai 2018
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow in a Fan-stirred Combustion Vessel
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrent, Italien, 23.–26. Mai 2018
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrent, Italien, 23.–26. Mai 2018
Investigation of S₂ + Air combustion
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrent, Italien, 23.–26. Mai 2018
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Joint Meeting of the German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute (2018), Sorrent, Italien, 23.–26. Mai 2018
Detailed Transport and Performance Optimization for Massively Parallel Simulations of Turbulent Combustion with OpenFOAM
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. The 13th OpenFOAM Workshop (OFW13), Shanghai, China, June 24-29, 2018. Ed.: J. Wang, 142–145, CMHL
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. The 13th OpenFOAM Workshop (OFW13), Shanghai, China, June 24-29, 2018. Ed.: J. Wang, 142–145, CMHL
Spectral response of different combustion models in LES of direct combustion noise
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Nawroth, H.; Li, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.; Paschereit, C. O.
2018. Joint Meeting German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, Sorrento, I, May 23-26, 2018. Proceedings. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, Article I8, ASICI
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Nawroth, H.; Li, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.; Paschereit, C. O.
2018. Joint Meeting German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, Sorrento, I, May 23-26, 2018. Proceedings. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, Article I8, ASICI
Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Flow in a Fan-stirred Combustion Vessel
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Joint Meeting German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, Sorrento, I, May 23-26, 2018. Proceedings. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, Article I10, ASICI
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. Joint Meeting German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, Sorrento, I, May 23-26, 2018. Proceedings. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, Article I10, ASICI
Investigation of S₂ + Air combustion
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Joint Meeting German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, Sorrento, I, May 23-26, 2018. Proceedings. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, Article VI10, ASICI
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Joint Meeting German and Italian Sections of the Combustion Institute, 41st Meeting of the Italian Section of The Combustion Institute, Sorrento, I, May 23-26, 2018. Proceedings. Ed.: H. Bockhorn, Article VI10, ASICI
S₂ + Air Combustion: Reaction Kinetics, Flame Structure, and Laminar Flame Behavior
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bozzelli, J. W.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Energy & fuels, 32 (10), 10184–10193. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b01019
Sebbar, N.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bozzelli, J. W.; Bockhorn, H.; Trimis, D.
2018. Energy & fuels, 32 (10), 10184–10193. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.8b01019
Automated Code Generation for Maximizing Performance of Detailed Chemistry Calculations in OpenFOAM
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’ 17 - Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2017. Ed.: W. Nagel, 189–204, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68394-2_11
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2018. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’ 17 - Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2017. Ed.: W. Nagel, 189–204, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-68394-2_11
Structure and superconducting characteristics of magnesium diboride, substitution of boron atoms by oxygen and carbon
Prikhna, T.; Romaka, V.; Eisterer, M.; Shapovalov, A.; Kozyrev, A.; Grechnev, G.; Boutko, V.; Goldacker, W.; Habisreuther, T.; Vakaliuk, O.; Halbedel, B.
2017. IOP conference series / Materials science and engineering, 279, Art.Nr. 012023. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/279/1/012023
Prikhna, T.; Romaka, V.; Eisterer, M.; Shapovalov, A.; Kozyrev, A.; Grechnev, G.; Boutko, V.; Goldacker, W.; Habisreuther, T.; Vakaliuk, O.; Halbedel, B.
2017. IOP conference series / Materials science and engineering, 279, Art.Nr. 012023. doi:10.1088/1757-899X/279/1/012023
Experimental and Theoretical Study of Combustion under Elevated Pressure within Porous Inert Media
Bedoya, C.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 1124–1133. doi:10.1002/ente.201700131
Bedoya, C.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 1124–1133. doi:10.1002/ente.201700131
Response of Local and Global Consumption Speed to Stretch in Laminar Steady-State Flames
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, HR, April 18-21, 2017
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, HR, April 18-21, 2017
Einfluss von erhöhtem Druck auf die Änderung der 549 Flammendynamik durch Streckung in vorgemischten Flammen
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. 28. Deutscher Flammentag (2017), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 6.–7. September 2017
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. 28. Deutscher Flammentag (2017), Darmstadt, Deutschland, 6.–7. September 2017
Einfluss von erhöhtem Druck auf die Änderung der 549 Flammendynamik durch Streckung in vorgemischten Flammen
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 28. Deutscher Flammentag 2017, Darmstadt, Germany, 6th - 7th September 2017, 549–562, VDI Verlag
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 28. Deutscher Flammentag 2017, Darmstadt, Germany, 6th - 7th September 2017, 549–562, VDI Verlag
Response of Local and Global Consumption Speed to Stretch in Laminar Steady-State Flames
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, HR, April 18-21, 2017. Ed.: N. Duic
Zirwes, T.; Zhang, F.; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. Proceedings of the 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, HR, April 18-21, 2017. Ed.: N. Duic
Di-tertiary-butyl Peroxide Decomposition and Combustion with Air: Reaction Mechanism, Ignition, Flame Structures, and Laminar Flame Velocities
Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Auzmendi-Murua, I.; Bozzelli, J. W.
2017. Energy & fuels, 31 (3), 2260–2273. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b02201
Sebbar, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Auzmendi-Murua, I.; Bozzelli, J. W.
2017. Energy & fuels, 31 (3), 2260–2273. doi:10.1021/acs.energyfuels.6b02201
Effect of unsteady stretching on the flame local dynamics
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2017. Combustion and flame, 175, 170–179. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.05.028
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2017. Combustion and flame, 175, 170–179. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2016.05.028
Influence of nozzle design upon the primary jet breakup of high-viscosity fuels for entrained flow gasification
Müller, T.; Dullenkopf, A.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2017. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbine Technical Conference and Expo, ASME, Charlotte, NC, June 26-30, 2017
Müller, T.; Dullenkopf, A.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Zarzalis, N.; Kolb, T.
2017. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2017: Turbine Technical Conference and Expo, ASME, Charlotte, NC, June 26-30, 2017
Combined influence of strain and heat loss in lean fresh-to-burned counterflow flames at elevated pressure
Habisreuther, P.; Loukou, A.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2017. 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, HR, April 18-21, 2017
Habisreuther, P.; Loukou, A.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2017. 8th European Combustion Meeting, Dubrovnik, HR, April 18-21, 2017
Influence of Nozzle Design Upon the Primary Jet Breakup of High-Viscosity Fuels for Entrained Flow Gasification
Müller, T.; Dullenkopf, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2017. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2017 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Volume 3 : Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels : Cycle Innovations : Electric Power : Industrial and Cogeneration Applications : Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 26th - 30th June 2017, Art. Nr. V003T03A002, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2017-63198
Müller, T.; Dullenkopf, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2017. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2017 : Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Volume 3 : Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels : Cycle Innovations : Electric Power : Industrial and Cogeneration Applications : Organic Rankine Cycle Power Systems, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA, 26th - 30th June 2017, Art. Nr. V003T03A002, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2017-63198
Structure and Properties of MgB₂ Bulks, Thin Films, and Wires
Prikhna, T. A.; Romaka, V. V.; Shapovalov, A. P.; Eisterer, M.; Sokolovsky, V.; Weber, H. W.; Grechnev, G. E.; Boutko, V. G.; Gusev, A. A.; Kozyrev, A. V.; Goldacker, W.; Moshchil, V. E.; Sverdun, V. B.; Habisreuther, T.; Schmidt, C.; Kovylaev, V. V.; Shaternik, V. E.; Karpets, M. V.; Shaternik, A. V.
2017. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 27 (4), 6200705. doi:10.1109/TASC.2016.2638201
Prikhna, T. A.; Romaka, V. V.; Shapovalov, A. P.; Eisterer, M.; Sokolovsky, V.; Weber, H. W.; Grechnev, G. E.; Boutko, V. G.; Gusev, A. A.; Kozyrev, A. V.; Goldacker, W.; Moshchil, V. E.; Sverdun, V. B.; Habisreuther, T.; Schmidt, C.; Kovylaev, V. V.; Shaternik, V. E.; Karpets, M. V.; Shaternik, A. V.
2017. IEEE transactions on applied superconductivity, 27 (4), 6200705. doi:10.1109/TASC.2016.2638201
Super-adiabatic flame temperatures in premixed methane flames: A comparison between oxy-fuel and conventional air combustion
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2017. Fuel. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.01.025
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2017. Fuel. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2017.01.025
Combustion-Generated Noise : An Environment-Related Issue for Future Combustion Systems
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Nawroth, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Paschereit, C. O.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 1045–1054. doi:10.1002/ente.201600526
Zhang, F.; Zirwes, T.; Nawroth, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Paschereit, C. O.
2017. Energy technology, 5 (7), 1045–1054. doi:10.1002/ente.201600526
Correlation for the Sauter Mean Diameter of a Prefilmer Airblast Atomizer at Varying Operating Conditions
Volz, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 89 (3), 320–327. doi:10.1002/cite.201600007
Volz, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2017. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 89 (3), 320–327. doi:10.1002/cite.201600007
Super-adiabatic flame temperatures in premixed methane flames: A comparison between oxy-fuel and conventional air combustion
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2016. 1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Montabaur, 10.-11.02.2016
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2016. 1st International Workshop on Oxy-Fuel Combustion, Montabaur, 10.-11.02.2016
Investigation on the jet breakup of high-viscous fuels for entrained flow gasification
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik, Nürnberg, 10.-11.03.2016
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet-Fachgruppe Hochtemperaturtechnik, Nürnberg, 10.-11.03.2016
Pinning and trapped field in MgB2- and MT-YBaCuO bulk superconductors manufactured under pressure
Prikhna, T.; Eisterer, M.; Chaud, X.; Weber, H. W.; Habisreuther, T.; Moshchil, V.; Kozyrev, A.; Shapovalov, A.; Gawalek, W.; Wu, M.; Litzkendorf, D.; Goldacker, W.; Sokolovsky, V.; Shaternik, V.; Rabier, J.; Joulain, A.; Grechnev, G.; Boutko, V.; Gusev, A.; Shaternik, A.; Barvitskiy, P.
2016. Journal of physics / Conference Series, 695 (1), Art. Nr.: 012001. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/695/1/012001
Prikhna, T.; Eisterer, M.; Chaud, X.; Weber, H. W.; Habisreuther, T.; Moshchil, V.; Kozyrev, A.; Shapovalov, A.; Gawalek, W.; Wu, M.; Litzkendorf, D.; Goldacker, W.; Sokolovsky, V.; Shaternik, V.; Rabier, J.; Joulain, A.; Grechnev, G.; Boutko, V.; Gusev, A.; Shaternik, A.; Barvitskiy, P.
2016. Journal of physics / Conference Series, 695 (1), Art. Nr.: 012001. doi:10.1088/1742-6596/695/1/012001
Numerical Study of Liquid Film Characteristics at Varying Operating Conditions in Prefilmer Airblast Atomizer
Volz, M.; Nittel, L.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 88 (1-2), 192–199. doi:10.1002/cite.201500011
Volz, M.; Nittel, L.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Chemie - Ingenieur - Technik, 88 (1-2), 192–199. doi:10.1002/cite.201500011
Impact of infinite thin flame approach on the evaluation of flame speed using spherically expanding flames
Zhang, F.; Baust, T.; Zirwes. Torsten; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.
2016. Energy technology, 5 (7), 1055–1063. doi:10.1002/ente.201600573
Zhang, F.; Baust, T.; Zirwes. Torsten; Denev, J. A.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.
2016. Energy technology, 5 (7), 1055–1063. doi:10.1002/ente.201600573
Untersuchung des Zerfalls des Brennstoffstrahls bei hochviskosen Brennstoffen im Flugstromvergaser
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe „Hochtemperaturtechnik”, Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10.-11. März 2016
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Jahrestreffen der ProcessNet Fachgruppe „Hochtemperaturtechnik”, Erlangen-Nürnberg, 10.-11. März 2016
Investigation on the jet breakup of high-viscous fuels for entrained flow gasification
Müller, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo. Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, South Korea, June 14-16, 2016
Müller, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo. Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, South Korea, June 14-16, 2016
Determination of laminar flame speed and Markstein numbers deduced from turbulent flames using the bomb method
Baust, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, June 13 -17, 2016, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2016-57305
Baust, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, June 13 -17, 2016, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2016-57305
Investigation on Jet Breakup of High-Viscous Fuels for Entrained Flow Gasification
Müller, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, South Korea, June 13–17, 2016, Volume 3: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels, V003T03A003/1–11, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2016-56371
Müller, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sänger, A.; Jakobs, T.; Kolb, T.
2016. ASME Turbo Expo 2016: Turbomachinery Technical Conference and Exposition, Seoul, South Korea, June 13–17, 2016, Volume 3: Coal, Biomass and Alternative Fuels, V003T03A003/1–11, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2016-56371
Simulation of the primary breakup of a high-viscosity liquid jet by a coaxial annular gas flow
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. International journal of multiphase flow, 87, 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2016.09.008
Müller, T.; Sänger, A.; Habisreuther, P.; Jakobs, T.; Trimis, D.; Kolb, T.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. International journal of multiphase flow, 87, 212–228. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2016.09.008
A study of pressure drop in reticulated ceramic sponges using direct pore level simulation
Parthasarathy, P. R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Chemical Engineering Science, 147, 91–99. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2016.03.015
Parthasarathy, P. R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2016. Chemical Engineering Science, 147, 91–99. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2016.03.015
Super-adiabatic flame temperatures in premixed methane-oxygen flames
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting - 2015, March 30-April 2, 2015, Budapest, Hungary : ECM 2015
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting - 2015, March 30-April 2, 2015, Budapest, Hungary : ECM 2015
Bestimmung der laminaren Flammengeschwindigkeit von Methan/Sauerstoff-Gemischen im POX Bereich
Sentko, M. M.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 491–500, VDI Verlag
Sentko, M. M.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 491–500, VDI Verlag
Temperature dependency of the laminar burning velocity of fuel-rich methane oxygen measurements
Sentko, M. M.; Weis, C.; Harth, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. 7th European Combustion Meeting (ECM2015), Budapest, H, March 30 - April 2, 2015
Sentko, M. M.; Weis, C.; Harth, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. 7th European Combustion Meeting (ECM2015), Budapest, H, March 30 - April 2, 2015
Numerische Untersuchung von super-adiabaten Flammentemperaturen in vorgemischten Methan-Sauerstoff-Flammen
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 491–500, VDI Verlag
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 27.Deutscher Flammentag, Clausthal-Zellerfeld, 16.-17.September 2015, 491–500, VDI Verlag
Super-adiabatic flame temperatures in premixed methane-oxygen flames
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. 7th European Combustion Meeting (ECM2015), Budapest, H, March 30 - April 2, 2015
Stelzner, B.; Weis, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. 7th European Combustion Meeting (ECM2015), Budapest, H, March 30 - April 2, 2015
Numerical and experimental investigation on droplet dynamics and dispersion of a jet engine injector
Keller, J.; Gebretsadik, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Turrini, F.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. International journal of multiphase flow, 75, 144–162. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2015.05.004
Keller, J.; Gebretsadik, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Turrini, F.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2015. International journal of multiphase flow, 75, 144–162. doi:10.1016/j.ijmultiphaseflow.2015.05.004
Thermoacoustics of a turbulent premixed flame
Geiser, G.; Hosseinzadeh, A.; Nawroth, H.; Zhang, F.; Bockhorn, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Janicka, J.; Paschereit, C. O.; Schroeder, W.
2014. 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2014 : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 16 - 20 June 2014; held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2014, Vol. 1., 745–759, Curran
Geiser, G.; Hosseinzadeh, A.; Nawroth, H.; Zhang, F.; Bockhorn, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Janicka, J.; Paschereit, C. O.; Schroeder, W.
2014. 20th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference 2014 : Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 16 - 20 June 2014; held at the AIAA Aviation Forum 2014, Vol. 1., 745–759, Curran
Extension of the standard k-epsilon-turbulence model for two-phase flows
Volz, M.; Keller, J.; Eiberger, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, 23-26 June 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
Volz, M.; Keller, J.; Eiberger, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, 23-26 June 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
Implementation of a new injection model in OpenFOAM for an aero engine injector
Keller, J.; Volz, M.; Eiberger, F.; Gebretsadik, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Turrini, F.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, 23-26 June 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
Keller, J.; Volz, M.; Eiberger, F.; Gebretsadik, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Turrini, F.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, 23-26 June 2014, Zagreb, Croatia
Measurement of laminar burning velocities of fuel-rich methane-oxygen mixtures
Weis, C.; Sentko, M. M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2014. 3rd Heat Flux Burner Workshop, Berlin, September 25th, 2014. Innerhalb von: Flame Structure 2014, 8th International Seminar on Flame Structure, 21.-24. Sept. 2014, Berlin
Weis, C.; Sentko, M. M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Trimis, D.
2014. 3rd Heat Flux Burner Workshop, Berlin, September 25th, 2014. Innerhalb von: Flame Structure 2014, 8th International Seminar on Flame Structure, 21.-24. Sept. 2014, Berlin
Multi-threaded radiation calculation
Eiberger, F.; Keller, J.; Volz, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Turrini, F.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, Zagreb, Croatia, 23.- 26.2014
Eiberger, F.; Keller, J.; Volz, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Turrini, F.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. 9th OpenFOAM Workshop, Zagreb, Croatia, 23.- 26.2014
Direct Numerical Simulation for an Assessment of the Correlation Between Heat Release Rate and Chemiluminescent Species in Turbulent Primixed Flames
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2014. Joint meeting of the British and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 7, Cambridge, UK, March 27-28, 2014, 23–24
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2014. Joint meeting of the British and Scandinavian-Nordic Sections of the Combustion Institute, Vol. 7, Cambridge, UK, March 27-28, 2014, 23–24
Experimental Investigation on Lean Blow Out of a Piloted Aero-Engine Burner
Bhagwan, R.; Wollgarten, J. C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - 2014 : presented at the ASME 2014 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition; June 16 - 20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. Volume 4A: Combustion, fuels and emissions. Ed.: H. Hodson, GT2014–25199, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2014-25199
Bhagwan, R.; Wollgarten, J. C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2014. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - 2014 : presented at the ASME 2014 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition; June 16 - 20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. Volume 4A: Combustion, fuels and emissions. Ed.: H. Hodson, GT2014–25199, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2014-25199
Influence of Liquid and Gaseous Fuel on Lifted Flames at Elevated Pressure Stabilized by Outer Recirculation
Sedlmaier, J.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Jansohn, P.
2014. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - 2014 : presented at the ASME 2014 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition; June 16 - 20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. Volume 4A: Combustion, fuels and emissions. Ed.: H. Hodson, GT2014–25823, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2014-25823
Sedlmaier, J.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Jansohn, P.
2014. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition - 2014 : presented at the ASME 2014 Turbo Expo: Turbine Technical Conference and Exposition; June 16 - 20, 2014, Düsseldorf, Germany. Volume 4A: Combustion, fuels and emissions. Ed.: H. Hodson, GT2014–25823, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2014-25823
An Experimental Comparison of the Emissions Characteristics of Standard Jet A-1 and Synthetic Jet Fuels
Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Turrini, F.
2014. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 92, 865–884. doi:10.1007/s10494-014-9528-6
Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Turrini, F.
2014. Flow, turbulence and combustion, 92, 865–884. doi:10.1007/s10494-014-9528-6
Experimental study, 1D volume-averaged calculations and 3D direct pore level simulations of the flame stabilization in porous inert media at elevated pressure
Bedoya, C.; Dinkov, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Parthasarathy, P.
2013. Combustion and flame, 162 (10), 3740–3754. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.07.012
Bedoya, C.; Dinkov, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.; Parthasarathy, P.
2013. Combustion and flame, 162 (10), 3740–3754. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2015.07.012
Impact of Grid Refinement on Turbulent Combustion and Combustion Noise Modeling with Large Eddy Simulation
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. High performance computing in science and engineering ’13 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2013. [Konferenz]. Ed.: W. E. Nagel, 259–274, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02165-2__19
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. High performance computing in science and engineering ’13 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2013. [Konferenz]. Ed.: W. E. Nagel, 259–274, Springer. doi:10.1007/978-3-319-02165-2__19
On Prediction of Combustion Generated Noise with the Turbulent Heat Release Rate
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Nawroth, H.; Paschereit, C. O.
2013. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 99 (6), 940–951. doi:10.3813/AAA.918673
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Nawroth, H.; Paschereit, C. O.
2013. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 99 (6), 940–951. doi:10.3813/AAA.918673
Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Combustion with OpenFOAM
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 26. Deutscher Flammentag; Duisburg, 11. und 12. September 2013 [Konferenz], 867–872, VDI Verlag
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Verbrennung und Feuerung : 26. Deutscher Flammentag; Duisburg, 11. und 12. September 2013 [Konferenz], 867–872, VDI Verlag
Effect of Blending of Hexanol and Naphthenic Cut on Combustion Characteristics of Fisher Tropsch Synthetic Paraffinic Kerosene
Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Turini, F.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2013 : Lund, Sweden, June 25 - 28, 2013, Paper P3–88, Lund
Bhagwan, R.; Habisreuther, P.; Turini, F.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2013 : Lund, Sweden, June 25 - 28, 2013, Paper P3–88, Lund
Structure of laminar premixed flames of methane near the auto-ignition limit
Habisreuther, P.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Prathap, C.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Combustion and Flame, 160 (12), 2770–2782. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.06.023
Habisreuther, P.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Prathap, C.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Combustion and Flame, 160 (12), 2770–2782. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2013.06.023
Numerical Prediction of Burning Velocity and Flame Thickness in a Radial-flow Porous Burner
Dinkov, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2013 : Lund, Sweden, June 25 - 28, 2013, Paper P5–78, Lund
Dinkov, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2013 : Lund, Sweden, June 25 - 28, 2013, Paper P5–78, Lund
Influence of Pressure on Markstein Number Effects in Turbulent Flame Front Propagation
Vukadinovic, V.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Suntz, R.
2013. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air, ASME June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, USA, GT2013–94307
Vukadinovic, V.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Suntz, R.
2013. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air, ASME June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, USA, GT2013–94307
Assessment of Gas Turbine NOx Reduction Potential Based on a Spatiotemporal Unmixedness Parameter
Dederichs, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Beck, C.; Prade, B.; Krebs, W.
2013. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air, ASME June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, USA, GT2013–94404
Dederichs, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Beck, C.; Prade, B.; Krebs, W.
2013. Proceedings of ASME Turbo Expo 2013: Power for Land, Sea and Air, ASME June 3-7, 2013, San Antonio, USA, GT2013–94404
Pressure Effect on the Flame Stabilization in Porous Inert Media at Ultra Lean Conditions
Bedoya, C.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2013. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2013 : Lund, Sweden, June 25 - 28, 2013, Paper P3–81, Lund
Bedoya, C.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2013. Proceedings of the European Combustion Meeting, ECM 2013 : Lund, Sweden, June 25 - 28, 2013, Paper P3–81, Lund
Large Eddy Simulation of DTBP Pool Fires
Zhang, F.; Sebbar, N.; Auzmendi-Murua, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Zhang, L.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Impulse für die Zukunft der Energie : wissenschaftliche Beiträge des KIT zur 2. Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrums Energie, Doktorandensymposium, 13.06.2013. Hrsg.: W. Breh, 103–108, KIT Scientific Publishing
Zhang, F.; Sebbar, N.; Auzmendi-Murua, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Zhang, L.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Impulse für die Zukunft der Energie : wissenschaftliche Beiträge des KIT zur 2. Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrums Energie, Doktorandensymposium, 13.06.2013. Hrsg.: W. Breh, 103–108, KIT Scientific Publishing
On Prediction of Combustion Generated Noise with help of Direct Numerical Simulation [Vortrag]
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. EUROMECH Colloquium Combustion Dynamics and Combustion Noise, Menaggio, Italy, May 13-16, 2013
Zhang, F.; Bonart, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. EUROMECH Colloquium Combustion Dynamics and Combustion Noise, Menaggio, Italy, May 13-16, 2013
Application of the Unified Turbulent Flame-Speed Closure (UTFC) Combustion Model to Numerical Computation of Turbulent Gas Flames
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’12 Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2012, Part IV. [Konferenz]. Ed.: W. E. Nagel, 187–205, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33374-3_16
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering ’12 Transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2012, Part IV. [Konferenz]. Ed.: W. E. Nagel, 187–205, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-33374-3_16
Influence of pressure and temperature on laminar burning velocity and Markstein number of kerosene Jet A-1: Experimental and numerical study
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Fuel, 111 (September), 401–410. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2013.03.076
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Fuel, 111 (September), 401–410. doi:10.1016/j.fuel.2013.03.076
Evaluation of longitudinal dispersion coefficient in open-cell foams using transient direct pore level simulation
Parthasaraty, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Chemical Engineering Science, 90, 242–249. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2012.12.041
Parthasaraty, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2013. Chemical Engineering Science, 90, 242–249. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2012.12.041
Flow Investigation and Acoustic Measurements of an Unconfined Turbulent Premixed Jet Flame
Nawroth, H.; Paschereit, C. O.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California/USA, June 24-27, 2013, 2013–2459. doi:10.2514/6.2013-2459
Nawroth, H.; Paschereit, C. O.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. 43rd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, San Diego, California/USA, June 24-27, 2013, 2013–2459. doi:10.2514/6.2013-2459
Experimental Study on Lifted Flames Operated with Liquid Kerosene at Elevated Pressure and Stabilized by Outer Recirculation
Kasabov, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2013. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 90 (3), 605–619. doi:10.1007/s10494-013-9444-1
Kasabov, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2013. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 90 (3), 605–619. doi:10.1007/s10494-013-9444-1
Computational modeling of turbulent mixing in a jet in crossflow
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Cardenas, C.; Seldmaier, J.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.
2013. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 41 (June), 55–65. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2013.03.012
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Cardenas, C.; Seldmaier, J.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.
2013. International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 41 (June), 55–65. doi:10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2013.03.012
Pinning in MgB₂- and YBaCuO-based superconductors: Effect of manufacturing pressure and temperature
Prikhna, T.; Eisterer, M.; Weber, H. W.; Gawalek, W.; Chaud, X.; Sokolovsky, V.; Moshchil, V.; Kozyrev, A.; Sverdun, V.; Kuznietsov, R.; Habisreuther, T.; Karpets, M.; Kovylaev, V.; Noudem, J.; Rabier, J.; Joulain, A.; Goldacker, W.; Basyuk, T.; Tkach, V.; Dellith, J.; Schmidt, C.; Shaternik, A.
2013. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23, 8001605/1–5. doi:10.1109/TASC.2013.2237736
Prikhna, T.; Eisterer, M.; Weber, H. W.; Gawalek, W.; Chaud, X.; Sokolovsky, V.; Moshchil, V.; Kozyrev, A.; Sverdun, V.; Kuznietsov, R.; Habisreuther, T.; Karpets, M.; Kovylaev, V.; Noudem, J.; Rabier, J.; Joulain, A.; Goldacker, W.; Basyuk, T.; Tkach, V.; Dellith, J.; Schmidt, C.; Shaternik, A.
2013. IEEE Transactions on Applied Superconductivity, 23, 8001605/1–5. doi:10.1109/TASC.2013.2237736
Application of the UTFC model to numerical simulation of turbulent combustion
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Chancen der Energiewende : wissenschaftliche Beiträge des KIT zur 1. Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrums Energie, 19.06.2012. Hrsg.: W. Breh, 35–40, KIT Scientific Publishing
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2013. Chancen der Energiewende : wissenschaftliche Beiträge des KIT zur 1. Jahrestagung des KIT-Zentrums Energie, 19.06.2012. Hrsg.: W. Breh, 35–40, KIT Scientific Publishing
Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Conventional and Alternative Liquid Fuels
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134 (12), 121504. doi:10.1115/1.4007333
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134 (12), 121504. doi:10.1115/1.4007333
Impact of grid refinement on combustion noise prediction
Zhang, F.; Geiser, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Schröder, W.
2012. Proceedings of the 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC’12), Rome, Italy, September 9-13, 2012
Zhang, F.; Geiser, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.; Schröder, W.
2012. Proceedings of the 9th European Fluid Mechanics Conference (EFMC’12), Rome, Italy, September 9-13, 2012
Numerical computation of combustion induced noise using compressible LES and hybrid CFD/CAA methods
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2012. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 98 (1), 120–134. doi:10.3813/AAA.918498
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2012. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 98 (1), 120–134. doi:10.3813/AAA.918498
Vortex-flame interaction leading to flame flashback in a premixed combustion system - A numerical study
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT, Palermo, Italy, September 24-27, 2012. Ed.: K. Hanjalic, 12 S., Begell House. doi:10.1615/ICHMT.2012.ProcSevIntSympTurbHeatTransfPal.1180
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT, Palermo, Italy, September 24-27, 2012. Ed.: K. Hanjalic, 12 S., Begell House. doi:10.1615/ICHMT.2012.ProcSevIntSympTurbHeatTransfPal.1180
Vortex-flame interaction leading to flame flashback in a premixed combustion system - A numerical study
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT, Palermo, Italy, September 24-27, 2012. Ed.: K. Hanjalic, 721–724, Begell House
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the Seventh International Symposium on Turbulence, Heat and Mass Transfer, ICHMT, Palermo, Italy, September 24-27, 2012. Ed.: K. Hanjalic, 721–724, Begell House
Experimental Study on Combustion Characteristics of Conventional and Alternative Liquid Fuels
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’12), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’12), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
Analysis of NO X formation in an axially staged combustion system at elevated pressure conditions
Prathap, C.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Kasabov, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.; Wegner, B.
2012. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134 (3), 031507/1–8. doi:10.1115/1.4004720
Prathap, C.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Kasabov, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.; Wegner, B.
2012. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 134 (3), 031507/1–8. doi:10.1115/1.4004720
Identification of Radiative Properties of Reticulated Ceramic Porous Inert Media using Ray-tracing Technique
Parthasarathy, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113 (15), 1961–1969. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.05.017
Parthasarathy, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer, 113 (15), 1961–1969. doi:10.1016/j.jqsrt.2012.05.017
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of a Turbulent Premixed Flame in an Anechoic Environment
Nawroth, H.; Saurabh, A.; Paschereit, C. O.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2012. Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, New Orleans/USA, June 25-28, 2012
Nawroth, H.; Saurabh, A.; Paschereit, C. O.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2012. Proceedings of the 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, New Orleans/USA, June 25-28, 2012
Similarity Issues of Kerosene and Methane Confined Flames Stabilized by Swirl in regard to the Weak Extinction Limit
Marinov, S.; Kern, M.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2012. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 89 (1), 73–95. doi:10.1007/s10494-012-9392-1
Marinov, S.; Kern, M.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.
2012. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 89 (1), 73–95. doi:10.1007/s10494-012-9392-1
Modeling Swirl Stabilized Turbulent Diffusion Flames with Tabulated Chemistry in OpenFOAM
Keller, J.; Volz, M.; Eiberger, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop, Frankfurt, June 25-28, 2012
Keller, J.; Volz, M.; Eiberger, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Proceedings of the 7th OpenFOAM Workshop, Frankfurt, June 25-28, 2012
The Application of Transparent Glass Sponge for Improvement of Light Distribution in Photobioreactors
Jacobi, A.; Bucharsky, E. C.; Schell, K. G.; Habisreuther, P.; Oberacker, R.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Zarzalis, N.; Posten, C.
2012. Bioprocessing & Biotechniques, 2 (1), 1000113/1–8. doi:10.4172/2155-9821.1000113
Jacobi, A.; Bucharsky, E. C.; Schell, K. G.; Habisreuther, P.; Oberacker, R.; Hoffmann, M. J.; Zarzalis, N.; Posten, C.
2012. Bioprocessing & Biotechniques, 2 (1), 1000113/1–8. doi:10.4172/2155-9821.1000113
Computational Modeling of Turbulent Mixing in a Jet In Crossflow
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.
2012. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ERCOFTAC’12), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 6-8, 2012
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.
2012. Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements (ERCOFTAC’12), Thessaloniki, Greece, June 6-8, 2012
Investigation of a Flame Anchored in Crossflow Stream of Vitiated Air at Elevated Pressures
Galaezzao, F. C. C.; Prathap, C.; Kern, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.; Wegner, B.
2012. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’12), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
Galaezzao, F. C. C.; Prathap, C.; Kern, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.; Wegner, B.
2012. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’12), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
Experimental Study on the Basic Phenomena of Flame Stabilization Mechanism in a Porous Burner for Premixed Combustion Application
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Energy & fuels, 26 (11), 6705–6719. doi:10.1021/ef3013008
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Energy & fuels, 26 (11), 6705–6719. doi:10.1021/ef3013008
Study on the Influence of Pressure on the Flame Stabilization in Porous Inert Media (PIM)
Bedoya, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Prathap, C.; Ebrahimi, H.
2012. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’12), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
Bedoya, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Prathap, C.; Ebrahimi, H.
2012. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’12), Copenhagen, Denmark, June 11-15, 2012
Porous Burner for Application in Stationary Gas Turbines: An Experimental Investigation of the Flame Stability, Emissions and Temperature Boundary Condition
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 89 (2), 261–274. doi:10.1007/s10494-011-9381-9
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2012. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 89 (2), 261–274. doi:10.1007/s10494-011-9381-9
Preparation of Optically Transparent Open-Celled Foams and its Morphological Characterization Employing Volume Image Analysis
Bucharsky, E. C.; Schell, K. G.; Habisreuther, P.; Oberacker, R.; Zarzalis, N.; Hoffmann, M. J.
2011. Advanced Engineering Materials, 13 (11), 1060–1065. doi:10.1002/adem.201100024
Bucharsky, E. C.; Schell, K. G.; Habisreuther, P.; Oberacker, R.; Zarzalis, N.; Hoffmann, M. J.
2011. Advanced Engineering Materials, 13 (11), 1060–1065. doi:10.1002/adem.201100024
Numerical simulation of noise emission from a non-premixed flame
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. Gaswärme international, 2011 (3), 1–6
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. Gaswärme international, 2011 (3), 1–6
A newly developed unified TFC combustion model for numerical simulation of turbulent gas flames
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerungen - Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011, 177–182, VDI Fachmedien
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerungen - Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011, 177–182, VDI Fachmedien
Analysis of NOx Formation in an Axially Staged Combustion System at Elevated Pressure Conditions
Prathap, C.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Kasabov, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.; Wegner, B.
2011. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’11), Vancouver, Canada, June 6-10, 2011
Prathap, C.; Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Kasabov, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.; Krebs, W.; Wegner, B.
2011. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’11), Vancouver, Canada, June 6-10, 2011
Identification of radiative properties of a reticulated porous media using ray tracing technique
Parthasarathy, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag, Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011
Parthasarathy, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag, Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011
Characteristics of an Ultra-Lean Swirl Combustor Flow by LES and Comparison to Measurements
Kern, M.; Marinov, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Peschiulli, A.; Turrini, F.
2011. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’11), Vancouver, Canada, June 6-10, 2011
Kern, M.; Marinov, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Peschiulli, A.; Turrini, F.
2011. Proceedings of the ASME Turbine Technical Conference & Exposition (Turbo’11), Vancouver, Canada, June 6-10, 2011
Investigations of an axially staged combustion system at elevated pressure conditions
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Prathap, C.; Kern, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerungen - Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011, 265–270, VDI Fachmedien
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Prathap, C.; Kern, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerungen - Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011, 265–270, VDI Fachmedien
Simulation of a lifted flame in a vitiated air environment
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Kern, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.
2011. Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting (ECM’11),Cardif, United Kingdom, June 29 - July 1, 2011
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Kern, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Beck, C.
2011. Proceedings of the 5th European Combustion Meeting (ECM’11),Cardif, United Kingdom, June 29 - July 1, 2011
Large Eddy Simulations of a Jet in Crossflow
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. High performance computing in science and engineering ’10 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2010 ; [14th [i.e. 13th] Annual Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held on October 4 - 5, 2010 at the Stuttgart University ; workshop proceedings. Ed.: Wolfgang E. Nagel, 327–337, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15748-6_25
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. High performance computing in science and engineering ’10 : transactions of the High Performance Computing Center, Stuttgart (HLRS) 2010 ; [14th [i.e. 13th] Annual Results and Review Workshop on High Performance Computing in Science and Engineering, which was held on October 4 - 5, 2010 at the Stuttgart University ; workshop proceedings. Ed.: Wolfgang E. Nagel, 327–337, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-15748-6_25
Measurement and Simulation of Turbulent Mixing in a Jet in Crossflow
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Valdes, R. J.; Krebs, W.
2011. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133 (6), 061504/1–10. doi:10.1115/1.4002319
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Valdes, R. J.; Krebs, W.
2011. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 133 (6), 061504/1–10. doi:10.1115/1.4002319
A numerical investigation of the flame stability in porous burners employing various ceramic sponge-like structures
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (4), 682–688. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.11.012
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2011. Chemical Engineering Science, 66 (4), 682–688. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2010.11.012
Flammenlose Oxidation flüssiger Brennstoffe in Brennkammern mit engem Umschließungsverhältniss
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerungen - Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011, 333–338, VDI Fachmedien
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. 25. Deutscher Flammentag - Verbrennung und Feuerungen - Karlsruhe, 14.-15. September 2011, 333–338, VDI Fachmedien
Mild Combustion Characterization of a Liquid Fuelled Combustor Using Homogeneity Parameters
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB’11), Estoril, Portugal, April 26-29, 2011
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2011. Proceedings of the 9th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB’11), Estoril, Portugal, April 26-29, 2011
High-pressure synthesized MgB₂-based materials with high critical current density and upper critical field
Prikhna, T. A.; Gawalek, W.; Savchuk, Y. M.; Goldacker, W.; Eisterer, M.; Weber, H.; Noudem, J.; Serga, M.; Tkach, V. N.; Habisreuther, T.; Chaud, X.; Dellith, J.; Wendt, M.; Dub, S.; Moshchil, V.; Sergienko, N.; Fesenko, I.; Litzkendorf, D.; Karau, F.; Tomsic, M.; Nagorny, P.; Sverdun, V.; Borimskiy, A.; Schmidt, C.
2011. Chorowski, M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 23rd Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf.(ICEC 23) and Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf.(ICMC 2010), Wroclaw, PL, July 19-23, 2010 Wroclaw : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskieij, 2011, 1213–1218
Prikhna, T. A.; Gawalek, W.; Savchuk, Y. M.; Goldacker, W.; Eisterer, M.; Weber, H.; Noudem, J.; Serga, M.; Tkach, V. N.; Habisreuther, T.; Chaud, X.; Dellith, J.; Wendt, M.; Dub, S.; Moshchil, V.; Sergienko, N.; Fesenko, I.; Litzkendorf, D.; Karau, F.; Tomsic, M.; Nagorny, P.; Sverdun, V.; Borimskiy, A.; Schmidt, C.
2011. Chorowski, M. [Hrsg.] Proc.of the 23rd Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf.(ICEC 23) and Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf.(ICMC 2010), Wroclaw, PL, July 19-23, 2010 Wroclaw : Oficyna Wydawnicza Politechniki Wroclawskieij, 2011, 1213–1218
Characterization of the mild combustion regimes of liquid fuels by homogeneity parameters - Experimental and numerical investigation
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2010. SPEIC10 Towards Sustainable Combustion, Spanish and Portuguese Sections of The Combustion Institute, [Proceedings], June 16-18, Tenerife, Spain
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2010. SPEIC10 Towards Sustainable Combustion, Spanish and Portuguese Sections of The Combustion Institute, [Proceedings], June 16-18, Tenerife, Spain
Porous burner for application in stationary gas turbines: An experimental investigation of the flame stability, emissions and temperature boundary condition
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. SPEIC10 Towards Sustainable Combustion, Spanish and Portuguese Sections of The Combustion Institute, [Proceedings], June 16-18, Tenerife, Spain
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. SPEIC10 Towards Sustainable Combustion, Spanish and Portuguese Sections of The Combustion Institute, [Proceedings], June 16-18, Tenerife, Spain
Fluid Dynamics and Detailed Kinetic Modelling of Pollutant Emissions from Lean Combustion Systems
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Valdes, R. J.; Krebs, W.
2010. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT2010), June 14-18, 2010 , Glasgow, UK. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B, GT2010–22551, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Valdes, R. J.; Krebs, W.
2010. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT2010), June 14-18, 2010 , Glasgow, UK. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B, GT2010–22551, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
Measurement and Simulation of Turbulent Mixing in a Jet in Crossflow (GT2010-22709)
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Valdes, R. J.; Krebs, W.
2010. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT2010), June 14-18, 2010 , Glasgow, UK. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B, 571–582, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2010-22709
Galeazzo, F. C. C.; Donnert, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Valdes, R. J.; Krebs, W.
2010. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT2010), June 14-18, 2010 , Glasgow, UK. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B, 571–582, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2010-22709
ECATS - Mission of Association for an environmentally compatible air transport system
Matthes, S.; Erhardt, G.; Gierens, K.; Petzold, A.; Brok, P.; Hagström, M.; Helmis, C.; Isaksen, I. S.; Laroche, P.; Vancassel, X.; Lee, D.; Raper, D.; Panidis, T.; Mathioudakis, K.; Tsalavoutas, T.; Kurtenbach, R.; Wiesen, P.; Wilson, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Schäfer, K.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. Forschungsbericht / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2010,10, 140–145
Matthes, S.; Erhardt, G.; Gierens, K.; Petzold, A.; Brok, P.; Hagström, M.; Helmis, C.; Isaksen, I. S.; Laroche, P.; Vancassel, X.; Lee, D.; Raper, D.; Panidis, T.; Mathioudakis, K.; Tsalavoutas, T.; Kurtenbach, R.; Wiesen, P.; Wilson, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Schäfer, K.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. Forschungsbericht / Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt, 2010,10, 140–145
Experimental Study on the Influence of Pressure and Temperature on the Burning Velocity and Markstein Number of Jet A-1 Kerosene (GT2010-22535)
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT2010), June 14-18, 2010 , Glasgow, UK. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B, 441–450, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2010-22535
Vukadinovic, V.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. ASME Turbo Expo 2010: Power for Land, Sea, and Air (GT2010), June 14-18, 2010 , Glasgow, UK. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions, Parts A and B, 441–450, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2010-22535
Application of a Unified TFC Model to Numerical Simulation of a Turbulent Non-Premixed Flame
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2010. Proceedings of the 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM8. Vol. 2, European Research Collaboration on Flow Turbulence and Combustion, ERCOFTAC, June, 9-11, Marseilles, France, 681–686, Marseilles
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2010. Proceedings of the 8th International ERCOFTAC Symposium on Engineering Turbulence Modelling and Measurements - ETMM8. Vol. 2, European Research Collaboration on Flow Turbulence and Combustion, ERCOFTAC, June, 9-11, Marseilles, France, 681–686, Marseilles
ECATS - Mission of Association for an environmentally compatible air transport system
Matthes, S.; Erhardt, G.; Gierens, K.; Petzold, A.; Brok, P.; Hagström, M.; Helmis, C.; Isaksen, I. S.; Laroche, P.; Vancassel, X.; Lee, D.; Raper, D.; Panidis, T.; Mathioudakis, K.; Tsalavoutas, T.; Kurtenbach, R.; Wiesen, P.; Wilson, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Schäfer, K.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate (TAC-2), Aachen, Germany, and Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 22-25th 2009, 140–145, DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V
Matthes, S.; Erhardt, G.; Gierens, K.; Petzold, A.; Brok, P.; Hagström, M.; Helmis, C.; Isaksen, I. S.; Laroche, P.; Vancassel, X.; Lee, D.; Raper, D.; Panidis, T.; Mathioudakis, K.; Tsalavoutas, T.; Kurtenbach, R.; Wiesen, P.; Wilson, C.; Habisreuther, P.; Schäfer, K.; Zarzalis, N.
2010. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport, Atmosphere and Climate (TAC-2), Aachen, Germany, and Maastricht, The Netherlands, June 22-25th 2009, 140–145, DLR Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e. V
High-pressure synthesized MgB₂-based materials with high critical current density and upper critical field
Prikhna, T. A.; Gawalek, W.; Savchuk, Y. M.; Eisterer, M.; Goldacker, W.; Weber, H.; Sokolovsky, V.; Tkach, V. N.; Danilenko, N. I.; Habisreuther, T.; Wendt, M.; Dellith, J.; Meerovich, V.; Dub, S.; Moshchil, V.; Sergienko, N.; Fesenko, I.; Litzkendorf, D.; Schmidt, C.; Tompsic, M.; Karau, F.; Nagorny, P.; Sverdun, V.
2010. 23rd Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf.(ICEC 23) and Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf.(ICMC 2010), Wroclaw, PL, July 19-23, 2010
Prikhna, T. A.; Gawalek, W.; Savchuk, Y. M.; Eisterer, M.; Goldacker, W.; Weber, H.; Sokolovsky, V.; Tkach, V. N.; Danilenko, N. I.; Habisreuther, T.; Wendt, M.; Dellith, J.; Meerovich, V.; Dub, S.; Moshchil, V.; Sergienko, N.; Fesenko, I.; Litzkendorf, D.; Schmidt, C.; Tompsic, M.; Karau, F.; Nagorny, P.; Sverdun, V.
2010. 23rd Internat.Cryogenic Engineering Conf.(ICEC 23) and Internat.Cryogenic Materials Conf.(ICMC 2010), Wroclaw, PL, July 19-23, 2010
Measurement and Simulation of Combustion Noise emitted from Swirl Burners
Bender, C.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Büchner, H.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Combustion Noise. Ed.: A. Schwarz, 33–62, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02038-4_2
Bender, C.; Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Büchner, H.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Combustion Noise. Ed.: A. Schwarz, 33–62, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-642-02038-4_2
Influence of Fuel Properties on Flashback in Turbulent Swirl Flows
Blesinger, G.; Voigt, T.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings / 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, July 27 - 31, 2009, Minsk, Belarus, CD-ROM, Minsk
Blesinger, G.; Voigt, T.; Koch, R.; Bauer, H.-J.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings / 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, July 27 - 31, 2009, Minsk, Belarus, CD-ROM, Minsk
Numerical Modelling of Technical Combustion
Bockhorn, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.
2009. 100 volumes of "Notes on numerical fluid mechanics" : 40 years of numerical fluid mechanics and aerodynamics in retrospect. Ed.: E.H. Hirschel, 325–340, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-70805-6_25
Bockhorn, H.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.
2009. 100 volumes of "Notes on numerical fluid mechanics" : 40 years of numerical fluid mechanics and aerodynamics in retrospect. Ed.: E.H. Hirschel, 325–340, Springer-Verlag. doi:10.1007/978-3-540-70805-6_25
Experimentelle und theoretische Untersuchung der Mischung und Verbrennung bei der flammenlosen Oxidation flüssiger Brennstoffe
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Verbrennung und Feuerung : Tagung Bochum, 16. und 17. September 2009, 109–114, VDI Verlag
Dinkov, I.; Odinius, M.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Verbrennung und Feuerung : Tagung Bochum, 16. und 17. September 2009, 109–114, VDI Verlag
Experimental study on the influence of the pore size of SiSiC sponge on the flame stabilization in a porous burner
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings. 4th European Combustion Meeting : Vienna University of Technology : 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna, Austria, Vienna
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings. 4th European Combustion Meeting : Vienna University of Technology : 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna, Austria, Vienna
Numerical simulation of the combustion in solid sponges: Relative importance of the different transport mechanisms for the flame stabilization
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS6, Porticcio, Corsica, France, June 7 - 11, CD-ROM
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS6, Porticcio, Corsica, France, June 7 - 11, CD-ROM
Fluid Dynamics and Detailed Kinetic Modeling of Pollutant Emissions from Lean Combustion Systems
Frassoldati, A.; Cuoci, A.; Faravelli, T.; Ranzi, E.; Colantuoni, S.; Di Martino, P.; Cinque, G.; Kern, M.; Marinov, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Martin, H.; Kind, M.; Kraushaar-Czarnetzki, B.
2009. Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS6, Porticcio, Corsica, France, June 7 - 11, CD-ROM
Frassoldati, A.; Cuoci, A.; Faravelli, T.; Ranzi, E.; Colantuoni, S.; Di Martino, P.; Cinque, G.; Kern, M.; Marinov, S.; Zarzalis, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Martin, H.; Kind, M.; Kraushaar-Czarnetzki, B.
2009. Sixth Mediterranean Combustion Symposium, MCS6, Porticcio, Corsica, France, June 7 - 11, CD-ROM
Statistical Distribution of Residence Time and Tortuosity of Flow through Open-Cell Foams
Habisreuther, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (23), 4943–4954. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2009.07.033
Habisreuther, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Chemical Engineering Science, 64 (23), 4943–4954. doi:10.1016/j.ces.2009.07.033
Applicability of a Flamelet and a Presumed Jpdf 2-Domain-1-Step-Kinetic Turbulent Reaction Model for the Simulation of a Lifted Swirl Flame (GT2009-59435)
Kern, M.; Fokaides, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009 : presented at the 2009 ASME Turbo Expo, June 8 - 12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions., 359–368, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2009-59435
Kern, M.; Fokaides, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009 : presented at the 2009 ASME Turbo Expo, June 8 - 12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions., 359–368, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2009-59435
Numerical Investigation of Combustion Induced Flame Flashback in a Premixed Combustion System
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings. 4th European Combustion Meeting : Vienna University of Technology : 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna, Austria, 321–328, Vienna
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings. 4th European Combustion Meeting : Vienna University of Technology : 14th - 17th April 2009, Vienna, Austria, 321–328, Vienna
Simulation of Vorticity Driven Flame Instability Using a Flame Surface Density Approach Including Markstein Number Effects (GT2009-59331)
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009 : presented at the 2009 ASME Turbo Expo, June 8 - 12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions., 255–264, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2009-59331
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Proceedings of the ASME Turbo Expo 2009 : presented at the 2009 ASME Turbo Expo, June 8 - 12, 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA. Volume 2: Combustion, Fuels and Emissions., 255–264, The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME). doi:10.1115/GT2009-59331
Comparison of Different Combustion Models with Respect to the Simulation of Combustion Induced Vortex Breakdown
Voigt, T.; Konle, M.; Tangermann, E.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sattelmayer, T.; Pfitzner, M.
2009. Proceedings. 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, July 19-24 2009, Minsk, Belarus, CD-ROM
Voigt, T.; Konle, M.; Tangermann, E.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Sattelmayer, T.; Pfitzner, M.
2009. Proceedings. 22nd International Colloquium on the Dynamics of Explosions and Reactive Systems, July 19-24 2009, Minsk, Belarus, CD-ROM
Simulation von wirbeldynamisch getriebenen Flammeninstabilitäten mittels eines Flammenoberflächendichte Modells unter Berücksichtigung von Markstein-Zahl Effekten
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Verbrennung und Feuerung : Tagung Bochum, 16. und 17. September 2009, 79–84, VDI Verlag
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2009. Verbrennung und Feuerung : Tagung Bochum, 16. und 17. September 2009, 79–84, VDI Verlag
Numerical Investigations of the Noise Sources Generated in a Swirl Stabilized Flame
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 95 (3), 418–427. doi:10.3813/AAA.918166
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Acta Acustica united with Acustica, 95 (3), 418–427. doi:10.3813/AAA.918166
Modelling of a Premixed Swirl-stabilized Flame Using a Turbulent Flame Speed Closure Model in LES
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 82 (4), 537–551. doi:10.1007/s10494-008-9175-x
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2009. Flow, Turbulence and Combustion, 82 (4), 537–551. doi:10.1007/s10494-008-9175-x
Morphological Characterization of Ceramic Sponges for Applications in Chemical Engineering
Grosse, J.; Dietrich, B.; Garrido, G. I.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Martin, H.; Kind, M.; Kraushaar-Czarnetzki, B.
2009. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (23), 10395–10401. doi:10.1021/ie900651c
Grosse, J.; Dietrich, B.; Garrido, G. I.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.; Martin, H.; Kind, M.; Kraushaar-Czarnetzki, B.
2009. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research, 48 (23), 10395–10401. doi:10.1021/ie900651c
Temperature prediction for a model combustion chamber considering radiation from a luminous jet flame
Brunn, O.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 8), Vilamoura, Portugal, 25-28 March 2008, CD-ROM
Brunn, O.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Proceedings of the 8th European Conference on Industrial Furnaces and Boilers (INFUB 8), Vilamoura, Portugal, 25-28 March 2008, CD-ROM
Flame stabilization and emissions of a natural gas/air ceramic porous burner
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Advanced Materials Research, 47-50, 105–108. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.47-50.105
Djordjevic, N.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Advanced Materials Research, 47-50, 105–108. doi:10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.47-50.105
Visualisation of Statistically Periodic Coherent Structures in Turbulent Flows using a Phase Locked Averaging Method
Habisreuther, P.; Lischer, T.; Cai, W.; Krebs, W.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8, 276–287
Habisreuther, P.; Lischer, T.; Cai, W.; Krebs, W.; Zarzalis, N.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8, 276–287
Numerische Simulation der Mikroströmung in porösen inerten Strukturen
Habisreuther, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 80, 327–341. doi:10.1002/cite.200700077
Habisreuther, P.; Djordjevic, N.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Chemie Ingenieur Technik, 80, 327–341. doi:10.1002/cite.200700077
Effect of the entrainment of spray jets on the mixture field in high temperature air combustion of liquid fuels for use in industrial furnaces
Odinius, M.; Dinkov, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. INFUB-08, Vilamoura, Portugal, 27.03.2008 [Konferenz]
Odinius, M.; Dinkov, I.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. INFUB-08, Vilamoura, Portugal, 27.03.2008 [Konferenz]
Verbrennungsinduziertes Aufplatzen in Wirbelröhren unter Berücksichtigung der bevorzugten Diffusion. Abschlussbericht des Forschungsvorhabens DFG Za 270/2-1 CIVB
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Voigt, T.; Habisreuther, P.; Zarzalis, N.
2008. Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Numerical investigations of the noise sources generated in a swirl stabilized flame
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 08, 34. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA ’08, 10. - 13. März 2008, Dresden [Konferenz]
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Hettel, M.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. Fortschritte der Akustik - DAGA 08, 34. Jahrestagung für Akustik, DAGA ’08, 10. - 13. März 2008, Dresden [Konferenz]
LES of reactive flow in a strongly swirling combustor system
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. 2nd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, September 16-19 2008, Berlin
Zhang, F.; Habisreuther, P.; Bockhorn, H.
2008. 2nd International Conference on Jets, Wakes and Separated Flows, September 16-19 2008, Berlin
Untersuchungen zur Bildung von thermischem Stickoxid in turbulenten Drallflammen. Dissertation
Habisreuther, P.
2003. Aachen 2003. (Berichte aus der Energietechnik.) Fak. f. Chemieingenieurwesen und Verfahrenstechnik, Diss. v. 3.5.2002., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Habisreuther, P.
2003. Aachen 2003. (Berichte aus der Energietechnik.) Fak. f. Chemieingenieurwesen und Verfahrenstechnik, Diss. v. 3.5.2002., Universität Karlsruhe (TH)
Mathematical modeling of turbulent swirling flames
Habisreuther, P.; Philipp, M.; Eickhoff, H.; Leuckel, W.
2002. In: High intensity combustors - steady isobaric combustion. Final report of the Collaborative Research Centre 167. Ed.: S. Wittig. Weinheim 2002. S. 156-175
Habisreuther, P.; Philipp, M.; Eickhoff, H.; Leuckel, W.
2002. In: High intensity combustors - steady isobaric combustion. Final report of the Collaborative Research Centre 167. Ed.: S. Wittig. Weinheim 2002. S. 156-175
A model for calculating heat transfer release in premixed turbulent flames
Schmid, H.-P.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.
1998. Combust. and flame 113 (1998) S. 79-91
Schmid, H.-P.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.
1998. Combust. and flame 113 (1998) S. 79-91
Mathematical models for aerodynamics, mixing and reaction in turbulent swirling flames
Habisreuther, P.; Philipp, M.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1998. In: Extended abstracts. Abschlußkolloquium, Sonderforschungsbereich 167 "Hochbelastete Brennräume - Stationäre Gleichdruckverbrennung", Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe 1998
Habisreuther, P.; Philipp, M.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1998. In: Extended abstracts. Abschlußkolloquium, Sonderforschungsbereich 167 "Hochbelastete Brennräume - Stationäre Gleichdruckverbrennung", Universität Karlsruhe, Karlsruhe 1998
TECFLAM-Drallbrenner: Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen am Engler-Bunte- Institut
Schmittel, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Idda, P.; Lenze, B.
1997. In: Feuerungstechnik - Kaleidoskop aus aktueller Forschung und Entwicklung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.- Ing. W. Leuckel. Karlsruhe 1997. S. 147-164
Schmittel, P.; Habisreuther, P.; Idda, P.; Lenze, B.
1997. In: Feuerungstechnik - Kaleidoskop aus aktueller Forschung und Entwicklung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.- Ing. W. Leuckel. Karlsruhe 1997. S. 147-164
Validierung eines PDF-Modells nach der Momentenmethode für die thermische NOsub(x)- Bildung in eingeschlossenen brennenden turbulenten vorgemischten Drallflammen
Habisreuther, P.; Stapf, D.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1997. In: Feuerungstechnik - Kaleidoskop aus aktueller Forschung und Entwicklung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.- Ing. W. Leuckel. Karlsruhe 1997. S. 47-65
Habisreuther, P.; Stapf, D.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1997. In: Feuerungstechnik - Kaleidoskop aus aktueller Forschung und Entwicklung. Festschrift zum 65. Geburtstag von Prof. Dr.- Ing. W. Leuckel. Karlsruhe 1997. S. 47-65
Experimentelle und numerische Untersuchungen an einer eingeschlossenen Drall- Diffusionsflamme
Habisreuther, P.; Schmittel, P.; Idda, P.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1997. In: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 18. Deutscher Flammentag. Düsseldorf 1997. S. 127-132. (VDI-Berichte. 1313.)
Habisreuther, P.; Schmittel, P.; Idda, P.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1997. In: Verbrennung und Feuerungen. 18. Deutscher Flammentag. Düsseldorf 1997. S. 127-132. (VDI-Berichte. 1313.)
Validierung eines PDF-Modells für die thermische NOsub(x)-Bildung in eingeschlossenen brennenden turbulenten vorgemischten Drallflammen
Habisreuther, P.; Stapf, D.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1997. Gaswärme Int. 46 (1997) S. 115-121
Habisreuther, P.; Stapf, D.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1997. Gaswärme Int. 46 (1997) S. 115-121
A reaction model for heat release in turbulent premixed flames
Schmid, H. P.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.
1996. 6th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (SIAM), New Orleans, USA, 1996
Schmid, H. P.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.
1996. 6th International Conference on Numerical Combustion (SIAM), New Orleans, USA, 1996
Experimental and theoretical investigation on the formation of thermal NOsub(x) in confined premixed and nonpremixed swirling flames
Habisreuther, P.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1996. In: 26th International Symposium on Combustion, Naples, Italy 1996. S. 342
Habisreuther, P.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1996. In: 26th International Symposium on Combustion, Naples, Italy 1996. S. 342
Experimentelle Überprüfung eines JPDF-Reaktionsmodelles
Lauer, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.; Eickhoff, H.
1996. Gaswärme int. 45 (1996) S. 189-196
Lauer, G.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.; Eickhoff, H.
1996. Gaswärme int. 45 (1996) S. 189-196
A reaction model for heat release in turbulent premixed flames
Schmid, H.-P.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.
1995. In: Book of abstracts. Joint Meeting of the French and German Sections of the Combustion Institute, Mulhouse, France 1995
Schmid, H.-P.; Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.
1995. In: Book of abstracts. Joint Meeting of the French and German Sections of the Combustion Institute, Mulhouse, France 1995
Lean stability limits of turbulent swirling natural gas flames
Hoffmann, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Lenze, B.; Eickhoff, H.
1995. In: Reprints of the 1995 International Gas Research Conference, Cannes 1995. S. 11-18
Hoffmann, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Lenze, B.; Eickhoff, H.
1995. In: Reprints of the 1995 International Gas Research Conference, Cannes 1995. S. 11-18
Modellierung und experimentelle Validierung von eingeschlossenen Vormisch- und Diffusionsdrallflammen
Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.; Eickhoff, H.
1995. In: Forschungsbericht. 1993-1995. Sonderforschungsbereich 167 "Hochbelastete Brennräume - Stationäre Gleichdruckverbrennung", Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Karlsruhe 1995. S. 143-171
Habisreuther, P.; Leuckel, W.; Eickhoff, H.
1995. In: Forschungsbericht. 1993-1995. Sonderforschungsbereich 167 "Hochbelastete Brennräume - Stationäre Gleichdruckverbrennung", Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Karlsruhe 1995. S. 143-171
Development and assessment of correlations for predicting stability limits of swirling flames
Hoffmann, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Lenze, B.
1994. Chem. engng. and process. 33 (1994) S. 393-400
Hoffmann, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Lenze, B.
1994. Chem. engng. and process. 33 (1994) S. 393-400
Erfassung des Strömungsfeldes von Drallstrahlen und Flammen mittels Messungen und Mathematischer Modellierung
Xiao, K. J.; Habisreuther, P.; Lenze, B.
1994. In: Wissenschaftliche Abschlußberichte. 29. Internationales Seminar für Forschung und Lehre in Chemieingenieurwesen, Technischer und Physikalischer Chemie an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 1994. Karlsruhe 1994. S. 57-67
Xiao, K. J.; Habisreuther, P.; Lenze, B.
1994. In: Wissenschaftliche Abschlußberichte. 29. Internationales Seminar für Forschung und Lehre in Chemieingenieurwesen, Technischer und Physikalischer Chemie an der Universität Karlsruhe (TH) 1994. Karlsruhe 1994. S. 57-67
Mathematische MOdellierung der Wechselwirkung von Turbulenz und Reaktion unter den in Gasturbinenbrennkammern vorliegenden Bedingungen
Leuckel, W.; Lauer, G.; Hirsch, C.; Habisreuther, P.
1994. In: Schlußbericht AG Turbo, Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Karlsruhe 1994. S. 107-126
Leuckel, W.; Lauer, G.; Hirsch, C.; Habisreuther, P.
1994. In: Schlußbericht AG Turbo, Universität Karlsruhe (TH). Karlsruhe 1994. S. 107-126
Experimental and numerical study concerning stabilization on strongly swirling premixed and non-premixed flames
Philipp, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1992. In: 24th International Symposium on Combustion, Sydney/Australia 1992. The Combustion Institute. Pittsburgh, PA 1992. S. 361-368
Philipp, M.; Hoffmann, S.; Habisreuther, P.; Eickhoff, H.; Lenze, B.
1992. In: 24th International Symposium on Combustion, Sydney/Australia 1992. The Combustion Institute. Pittsburgh, PA 1992. S. 361-368
Rechenmodell fuer aerodynamisch stabilisierte Drallflammen
Habisreuther, P.; Philipp, M.; Leuckel, W.; Eickhoff, H.
1992. In: Forschungsbericht 1990/1992. Sonderforschungsbereich 167 "Hochbelastete Brennraeume - Stationaere Gleichdruckverbrennung", Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH). Karlsruhe 1992. S. 213-244
Habisreuther, P.; Philipp, M.; Leuckel, W.; Eickhoff, H.
1992. In: Forschungsbericht 1990/1992. Sonderforschungsbereich 167 "Hochbelastete Brennraeume - Stationaere Gleichdruckverbrennung", Universitaet Karlsruhe (TH). Karlsruhe 1992. S. 213-244